

Attached: idontknow64.png (1200x1200, 823.12K)

Other urls found in this thread:


Here I drew a thread.

Attached: Untitled.png (400x400, 1.99K)

Requesting a sequel to this pic with Wendy giving Dipper a blowjob.

Attached: 33056D39-3951-4462-BC54-252216F5C9BF.png (1600x1600, 1.21M)


Requesting Ruri getting lovingly knotted and impregnated by a dog

Attached: 64221915_p1.png (1000x1500, 743.04K)

requesting polt laying on her side squeezing her huge ass like the ref on the right.

Attached: 4chan request.png (1284x705, 601.32K)

Greetings, new thread gents. Hope you're all well.

Attached: grayfeete.png (800x600, 308.62K)

Requesting a female version of Odea (left) getting raped and impregnated by Tsumuri

Attached: imgonline-com-ua-twotoone-gC6Yi96yGb2I.jpg (1166x918, 131.72K)

Requesting Isabelle voring Digby and then pooping to show he's fully digested. Dirty butthole aftermath please.

any out fit ideas?

Attached: zz.png (456x694, 117.24K)

Requesting color.

Attached: 2247.jpg (2150x1010, 271.12K)

Counter requesting Digby being hit by a snow plow and having his insides strewn for half a kilometer as he's dragged by the edge of the plow.
Bonus points for some scraggly looking stray fucking his mutilated corpse.

Red Bandoleer Mankini much like Sean Connery wore back in the day in an attempt to kill his then recent James Bond sex appeal.

wat if u twist ur back 180 degree just to eat ur own ass?

Attached: rider.png (482x660, 96.85K)

make the stupidest looking supreme thing you can think of

Broken spine and a shitty taste in your mouth.

alright anons, complete the pitcher

Attached: 01.png (800x600, 13.27K)

I have to compete with these other avatars for (You)s so I guess I'll bust out ol' reliable.

Lewd requests?

Attached: 17.png (800x600, 38.77K)

no outfit, au naturelle. show your *yuck* fur *barf*
ref for digby

Attached: asdcahj.png (500x400, 36.68K)

Requesting her getting blacked

Attached: 1572758966034.png (930x1200, 1.37M)

do you even sleep you are here 24/7

Attached: digby.png (800x779, 98.44K)

Do you accept furry requests?

Requesting this girl, entirely nude and hypnotized, coerced into getting fucked and eaten alive by a large snake.
>She's riding the snake's dick cowgirl style, the snake cumming inside her
>The snake is coils up around her legs; its mouth open ready to swallow her head first
>Her head is inside the snake's mouth as the snake continues to swallow her
>The majority of her body is now inside the snake, only her feet are sticking out of his mouth
>The snake now has a bulging belly from where he swallowed her
>Same as last pic, except it's an x-ray view that shows her inside the stomach
>A 2-day later pic showing the snake with a slightly less bulging belly
>A week later pic showing the snake back to normal, no bulging belly, and with her remains shit out

Snek voore references: imgbox.com/g/RkqJY4UaWl

Attached: dormouse00.jpg (850x1410, 252.34K)

Attached: 1582758748473.png (992x1403, 850.3K)

Whatever gets me (You)s!

Attached: dormouse02.jpg (1200x1650, 464.83K)

Attached: 80373357_p0.png (640x842, 482.66K)

Requesting deeply spread Chrysanthemum Bug cunny

Attached: Not shit %22monster%22 girl and request.jpg (1893x1074, 492.92K)

Not sure if trolling, but I'll request either way.

Attached: f94960d17dbe9d8fa1deffba32e197b1.png (900x700, 248.46K)

i do furry but dont be gross


You will speak when spoken to.

Can someone draw what they think looks like this: eggandlegg

I need pfp

Attached: 1585696255719.jpg (640x853, 185.89K)

I'm really not. I just post my request, tab out, and do something else. I may pop back in if I see a red exclamation mark on the tab indicating a (You). Otherwise, I just wait until the thread 404s before posting the request in a new thread again. And even then, that may take a few hours for me to notice.

I used to post here a lot more often years ago, but now for me, this place is nothing more than a place to get free art from budding drawanons. In truth, that's the only real purpose of these threads other than making fun of sperganons that rage at anything and everything, but the latter can get boring real quick, so I seldom do anymore.

Attached: 1573246271181.jpg (640x786, 63.43K)

well jokes on u it worked

Attached: rider.png (271x551, 69.94K)

what would you do if your request is fullfiled?

>do furry
>dont be gross