Anyone know good methods of suicide and how I can push myself to do it?

Anyone know good methods of suicide and how I can push myself to do it?

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Tall enough building, lots of drugs to numb your senses.

Dont. Please.

Why not?

If it were any other person I'd agree with you. For me, it feels like my life will always be shittier and any sign of improvement is simply an illusion of improvement.

Just find some train tracks. Hide in the trees until it gets close. Dart out and lay down. Instant death won’t feel a thing.

Good luck on killing yourself OP.

What kinds of over the counter drugs we talking that are good for numbing senses?

I saw clips of dudes slitting their own throats so if you really want to you have no excuse

Fair idea, but I don't wanna put my death on the conscious of whatever poor bastard is conducting that train

You are superior than a lot of people who don't even have a computer. Try mindfulness meditation, stop worrying about past and future, live in the present moment and start doing 1 thing at a time.

Yes live to 100

is that painless? Even then if I botched that it wouldn't be a pleasant experience, especially if someone caught me and got some brave noble doctor to save me.

Exit bag

If you're serious

Dont worry, i knew a guy that had to clean the brains off of the train stations, it completely numbed him and he's just used to it now. They're just doing their jobs.

every death is unpleasant my friend youre killing the potential of a life time you have to realize how much you mean in the grand scheme without people there would be no variety to this pointlessness people are what save the world from being as lost as it is and it begins with people taking that seriously not just kys when shit sucks but make it better

>every death is unpleasant
Not helium

In my opinion, people are naturally bad and that's why so many of the powerful ones are bad people. Part of the reason why I want out.

and the reason they are like that is cause they are taught to they dont know anything but so it starts with you recognizing you dont like their path and find a way that makes you happy and dont let their opinions discourage you because you know that they are misguided to be judgmental and decide to not judge back dont feed into the circle

>"naturally bad"
Are you saying we dont have a choice?

cant believe this is one sentence, all without punctuation

Do you realize there's a pandemic?
Just go to your nearest hospital, pretend your sick, and you most certainly will catch the Corona.
But on a more serious note, wait it out until Christmas, trust me, worst case scenario is zombies.

do you like my grammatical errors and how i make them without any regard for dorks who point it out on forum boards? look i did a question mark!

Life is hard for everyone I promise things can get better.

I recommend you start walking daily, then jogging. It will help.

I believe that you can get through this OP

Talk to Michele Carter. She’ll tell ya, friend

i dont care about grammar, i care about legibility

Why don't you just stick around and suffer like the rest of us. Life is gonna be difficult and you're gonna go through a lot of shit but it is also a gift and it's up to you and only you on how you live it. I hope you get better OP now go and eat a salad you fat piece of shit.

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My government doesn't give a fuck. Even if I literally have Corona they'll tell me to stay home and "get better" unless I'm over 50 lmao

i agree with this guy i think helping making your body healthy with even daily low effort exercise it can work as self motivation

Do it the craziest fucking way until you're old and die all gnarly and withered in your sleep. Shits wild....
I dare you.

>and the reason they are like that, is cause they are taught to. they don't know anything but. so it starts with you recognizing, you don't like their path and find a way that makes you happy. don't let their opinions discourage you, because you know that they are misguided to be judgmental. you should decide to not judge back don't feed into the circle.

Buy some acid on the dark web. Really easy and safe.

Take it and play some classical music.

This literally saved my life.

thx m8, thats a lot easier to follow

Bleach + Cyanide

This was the most realistic support comment that is a mix of being actually supportive while not just being like "just meditate and go outside n u wont be depressed idk", but sounding exactly like someone who's been on Yas Forums would say

I'll think of you next time I eat a salad, my friend.

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Read this in his voice. Life's great.

Go to a major city and start kissing random strangers in public.

Make Corona-Chan your wifu, Just make sure to refuse any treatment.

My man.

"The world is your oyster"

If you have a gun just shoot yourself. It’s painless if you do it right. Aiming at the brain stem is a pretty safe bet for an instant death. Either that or go out and buy a liter of your favorite alcohol and down a full bottle of sleeping pills or benzos. You’ll fall asleep and never wake up

>You’ll fall asleep and never wake up
You'll asphyxiate in your own puke, you mean

Not very chill

yeah! live till you die of old age! the coolest way!
or join your countrie's millitary! just don't kill yourself user!

>don't have gun
>20 years old and live in America

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become another statistic

Don't give up user

that's the goal for me

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