What is the most anti-consumer company you can think about? And why?

What is the most anti-consumer company you can think about? And why?

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The US government
>Steals your money under guise of infrastructure but it's actually for war and international business intrests
>Cites then arrests citizens over made up debt to them
>Government claims to serve the people but it's leaders live in luxury most will never see
>Makes laws to cage people forlong time over nonviolent crime so they can profit off the labor done by their new slave
>Uses virus outbreak to steal more freedoms and cite more people to generate revenue
>Pretend election every 4 years to placate it's customers to think they have a say in what millionaires, billionaires, and trillionaires do with the government

1/10 business
Did I miss anything?

Get a soap box and go downtown

> company

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pretty much any government.

if you mean real companies ebay, apple, monsanto, comcast all are up there

McDonalds and Yum Brand are extremely anti-consumer because they make their customers into addicts while having commercials of thin, healthy people. Once you break free from fast food addiction (a burger is just eating artificially flavored mystery meat on cake) you never want to go back

P&G. Because they regularly criticize their consumer base and harass white people in general.
>When you get pulled over you should be scared
>White men need to act less masculine
>You're better blended
Just off the top of my head, I'm sure there's more.

That last one is actually L'Oreal. My bad.

I am going with Apple.

Their products are way too expensive, therefore they are only out for money. (anticonsumer fact 1)

They literally have it so you use their systems or get nothing and also very little customization options whereas Android let's the consumers of their products have unlimited dev options and also it is open source unlike Apple. (anticonsumer fact 2)

Apple on purpose throttles older devices to literally make the consumer come back and overspend on what pretty much is the same thing as before with maybe a few slight changes. (anticonsumer fact 3)

I don't buy Apple electronics. I am smarter than that. So what I am going to say next is something I personally don't have experience in having not bought an Apple product but I know people who have and they needed tech support and Apple in almost all of times I joined said friends or just heard the horror stories about their lack of helping. So their customer service isn't all that good. (anticonsumer fact 4)

I am going to stop here. I am actually getting for real annoyed and need to stop now before I get too worked up

Apple is such a shitty company

There's no one to yell this at rn user

>Unable to see the analogues between a large company and a country

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Apple because of anti right to repair laws. Greedy fucks.

People in a country have to deal with the shit, their only other option is leaving home, family, and work to go elsewhere.

A company fucks you so you tell them to fuck themselves and go with something else

>them to fuck themselves and go with something else

You can't always do that though. Same with countries. In the us you can give up your citizenship, it just $5000 to do so



you just described google you cuck.

Spectrum Cable, no contest.

Good call. ANY company that provides a utility is basically just an ass reaming.

apple and their shady repair practices

Their internal practices and handling of covid19 was insane and no positive interest to their employees or customers.

I work for charter IT, about 7 titles from CEO.


eat shit you miserable poor fag

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Comcast. /Thread

Had to work with Macs for years. I absolutely agree with this.

They make products that create problems so they can sell you the solution, not products that solve problems that already exist. Adapters.

The engineering is ridiculous sometimes. Yeah, place the exhaust so it's blocked by the screen, and then just glue the screen together so the glue melts from the heat.

They go the extra mile so their shit isn't compatible with what everybody else uses. If you buy Apple once, you buy EVERYTHING from Apple. If Apple's solutions ever don't satisfy your needs, you're fucked.

They do their hardest to kick repair shops out of business and stop you from opening and repairing your own products. Their engineers have to come up with artificial ways so their products are LESS reusable than they'd normally be.
Like by changing power cable connectors between models despite the specs being the same. You can't lend anyone your power cable and you can't keep your old one as a spare.

A monitor stand for 999$. Enough said. No, there's no 4K monitor the size of a car included. Just a stand that isn't worth 99$.

As someone who works with the innards of computer software and hardware, I can't for the life of me figure out how to do basic tasks on a Mac, and sometimes it's because they fucked with basic operations like COPYING FILES.

Little customization. If you want a bigger hard drive, you can't just order online what you need for 50$ more and then plug it in. You have to buy a stupid set, and that same bigger hard drive costs 500$ more now.

With a lot of their systems, you could easily build a better PC for half the money. If MacOS was available separately or if Apple didn't fight against Hackintoshs so much, you'd have the exact same experience, if not a better one.

They also $699 wheels for your MacBook pro.

I agree about apple. They are such a fake company who pretend to care about your privacy. Really they are team players.

I heard they had a opportunity to fully encrypt iCloud backups but they ditched the idea.

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eat shit poorfags

also, in probably 8 years of being on Yas Forums, this was the first time I saw what it looks like when you reach the 2000 character limit
And I reached it by listing a few anti consumer things Apple does from the top of my head, after someone already listed a few points.

Underrated post tho

> eat shit poorfags
-Tim Cook / Steve Jobs

I run a hackintosh it's pretty great. My video card died so I ordered a replacement. Video card went out on a friend's iMac and they had to get a whole new iMac. Lol fuck apple.

Pic related is only correct answer you faggots

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Projection isn't a good defense mechanism ya know

Shit ass pet fuckers.
They charge a million dollars for a can of dog food, plus they fuck your pet. Thats clearly innappropriate.

What’s a good defense mechanism?