Anyone else get circumcised later on in life? Had it done last year, and don't know anyone else IRL that had it

Anyone else get circumcised later on in life? Had it done last year, and don't know anyone else IRL that had it.

Cut dick thread:
1. Style of yours
2. Style if you could choose, or uncut
3. Frenulum or no
4. Age when cut
5. Age now

Attached: 1586360813717.jpg (1280x817, 332.42K)

1) 4
2)1 or 5
3) no
4) 12
5) 25

High and tight
High and loose

Attached: 1586629208578.jpg (810x471, 103.73K)

1) uncut
2) low and tight
3) no
4) na
5) 30

cut for same reason as me? (tight foreskin)

Funnily enough most people don't voluntarily mutilate themselves. I for one like having all these nerve endings

1 low and cut
2 uncut
3 yes
4 infancy
5 21

true, but when your foreskin's broken, not too many options

1. Uncut
2. Uncut
3. Frenulum
4. Uncut
5. 25

My style is anteater.

Attached: 0ED9D645-C844-4D68-92EE-C28F3313AC02.jpg (750x420, 63.58K)

1. 3
2. Uncut
3. Yes
4. 11
5. 20

skin tight at 11?

Gagging to get cut, it looks so much better


Why you are retarded?
Did you have a medical issue?

yeah phimosis

yeah, phimosis. and they'd tried a couple things for it and finally just decided it'd need to get cut, not like the doctor was itching to cut it at first

Kinda, the hole would allow my head out so it had to get cut

So are you a retarded religious person?
Mostly only people who don't do normal exploring and playing with there penis get it.
Did mommy tell you it was bad to tough your penis?

Really want to, just a phrase

ha, been jerking since like 11. and it was always tight. don't know what to tell you.

it just extremely rare that people need that who didn't cause it them self.

again, sorry man. guess i'm the exception.

you get any say in if they did it or not?

Nothing wrong with my foreskin and it feels great but I'm a huge masocist and get a thrill out of the idea of the lessened sensation that circumcision causes.

see a doc, get it done, if that's what you want

i was too dumb back then, what upsets me that they didnt apply some sort of creme, just cut it off they say

they woud've had to strap me down to the table if they did it back then. at least i had some say in it

Only if it bags me a jewish qt3.14

Told you I was a masochist

Well if I didn’t get it cut then I couldn’t clean the head and was risking an infection, so kinda, but not really

Think of all the cocks out there without a head from botched circumcisions kek

i mean, they at least asked you for input instead of just doing it without you knowing it was coming

1) 1
2) 1
3) yes
4) n/a
5) 24

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