I have the bullet, now I just need to make some contraption to fire it into my head, please help me out...

I have the bullet, now I just need to make some contraption to fire it into my head, please help me out, also detailed explanations and instructions please. Thanks.

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hit the end using a nail and hammer

A .22 long? That’s just gonna make you retarded or slowly slowly bleed to death.
Get some professional help user.

Just push it real hard

oh jesus god op you can't even kill yourself with that thing, you're just gonna turn yourself into a fucking vegetable.

or you're just going to mildly injure someone else.

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I think you whack the back end with a center punch

check em

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things hollow point it'll totally fucking kill me

You know, if you really hated yourself, youd live as long as possible to suffer from the shit that life is. So idk

its harder than you think to angle it

You are going to end up as a vegetable and unable to finish yourself off. Get a better plan or don't do it at all.

Ask k you just need a tube that fits, if it's metal it'll probably take the pressure

Looks more like .22 Short. Even better.
Yeah, OP, totally do that to yourself.

FYI that probably won't kill you

Try something bigger. You wanna make sure it absolutely destroys your brain. Say for example, a shotgun shell w/slugs or something like that

dont even bother, if you're gonna do it use a real bullet

its a long, should probably wouldn't kill me

Dont kill yourself, you want succeed with that. if you do somehow die after the agonizing pain of bleeding out if it doesn't immediately kill you, You'll find yourself viewing your dead corpse in the void, and you will be disgusted and ashamed at yourself, because you will soon find out that the future choices you could of taken could have led you to a life of immortality, the techniques known to the masters that lay the fingers of death off past 200 years. You will feel great regret and spend the next perceived years in a strange and dark place, and without knowledge you won't be able to navigate it/fend of the malicious entities that lurk there.

It’s about velocity, you’re shitty pipe gun is gonna push that thing so slowly that it will do minimal damage.

No, that's .22LR.

Also, OP, if you try firing that outside of a firearm of any sort the energy from the powder will either blow the brass apart, or send it flying across the room and the bullet will do nothing but leave a painful welt.

FFS I hope you're trolling

it was hard enough getting it how am i supposed to get a shotgun slug

Stick it in your mouth and shove a lit candle up your ass. The heat will heat up the gunpowder and ignite it.

22lr is a rimfire cartridge, you need some actually knowledge to make something to fire that. Get a centerfire round, that'll be much easier.

Guess you're right. Weird angle.
Need someone from /k/ to come here and start telling OP the stories of how capable it is and how it's responsible for more deer taken and what mafia hit men use.

it will either have a small chance to kill you instantly granted you hit your brainstem(without a gun to aim lol) or you will bleed out and die with flashes of pain before gasping for breath and suffocating on blood. If someone recovers you, you might become a vegetable.

Just use your head to swallow it. You'll be dead of lead poisoning within a few days.

How much did you pay for this anyone serious about making such an edge claim knows the simplest method is applying for a credit card. Any limit is fine, a shotgun and box of shells will do just fine for under 200$. Unless you live in some commie state, you walk out the door with it and in no time you'll be on the rainbow road.

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.22 hollow point will do it. It will shoot right through a 2x4. Having it go off is easy but trying to make a half ass barrel so the pressure will build up high enough to get it to your skull is another thing. Rim fire is cake

don't worry i live in the middle of no where nobody's coming for me

get your bike saw off its handle bars, burn the handle bars at the bottom using some coals and drop the bullet in, place the tip of the pipe on your mouth and wait for the charge to hit you

my state requires a permit for any long gun and a the permit to perchance ammo

Wrong. The whole base/rim is a primer you don't have to try and center a make shift firingpins for it. God act like you made a zip gun before.


Guns are kinda hard to come by in my city/state. No gun shows, all gun stores...closed. Good thing I have 2 9mm guns and like 100 rounds

yup its near fucking impossible to get a gun around here and it was hard enough getting the bullet

I would suggest you go into the forest; being in nature helps me meditate. shotgun is almost guaranteed a kill if you aim at your forehead;

40gr bullet traveling at 1200 fps. Still enough. I mean a 22 short can still kill in the right spot Lol

i need a tube to put it in but what can i use that will be strong enough

Tell me about i sell guns legally for a living and your state blows. I have to sign in to your state's doj and make the model is on a list then get a shipping code its a joke. Side note don't kill yourself no matter what you think you will make someone feel even worse then you feel now If you do.

3D print it idiot

Why go through all this bs of trying to build a shitty gun? Build cardboard wings, a mask, and tight pants and throw yourself off a building

For one shot even a coper pipe with duck tape wrapped around it really tight will do but you want the inner inner diameter to be just able to fit the whole round.