Hi anons, me and my friends got in a long argument about which girl is the prettiest...

Hi anons, me and my friends got in a long argument about which girl is the prettiest, we are still pretty split in decision. Who would you pick?

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Haha come on now, OP. You do not have any friends

I'll pick LARP.

cum in left's throat

Porque no los dos?

If you were under the age of 25 with even half decent looks and a couple hours alone time with the girl on the right she would definitely make a move on you. Experimentation is 100% on her mind. But left is the prettiest.


imagine the smell

Id pick both but the one on the left is a little cuter. But only a little.
They're both cuties.
Could just be the pic though. Kinda looks like a bad angle for the on on the right.

I am more curious about the person behind you

Fabric softener and lots of powder.


Get off of Yas Forums, Joe.

Yeah. Lip gloss make up fabric softener and.... Oh yeah nice. -^_^

Fuck off


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Is off the one on the left?
Because.. I'm game

Done already OP?
Thought you wanted our opinions?

Girl on the right looks like the type he walked in on her uncle pissing and then asked to touch it and ended up giving her first blowjob.

Girl on the left looks more traditional.

Kill yourself

Left one is cute

Pedos don't have friends. Kill yourself.

They're both boys.

Right for sure

Any links to some discord’s?

If the world actual went to shit and was in total chaos I'm not murdering or stealing to stay alive. No, no, I'm doing other stuff. I wish the purge was real.

I'd make soup out of left's remains and spicy bbq out of right for the guests. Maybe a wallet made of both their faces.

Id fuck the left one first then have the right swallow my cum and keep me hard so i can fuck her in the ass while the left one plays with her pussy

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Add zo.bm on k1k

This implies they haven't already been experimenting with each other.

get help bruh

Cant tell with all their clothes on.

When did old Yas Forums come back?

Just post whatever it is you want to post. THe world is fucking ending. You might get banned on here but you're not going to jail. The world's governments has better shit to do.

yeah I'm going to have to do left roughly, and go slow on right, allah willing

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