Was it man made in a lab? Yes or no? Why?

Was it man made in a lab? Yes or no? Why?

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fuck america

Not exactly. Science.

america is the pussy

Yes, infowars.com

nah im trusting the epidemiologists on this one it originated in bats if it were made in a lab it would be way more effective than it is just look at the infection and mortality rates compared to other diseases

In a lab.
Only infectious disease lab in China located in Wuhan.
No bats native to Wuhan.
Chinese are morally bankrupt.
China lab workers are known to sell experimental animals to local markets for extra coin.
A lab worker admitted to doing this last Fall.
He died in November.

China has since covered up the story and every whistle blower coincidentally died from Corona.

Pretty much this. If the USA or China or Russia, etc. really wanted to release a deadly bio weapon, they already have much worse shit than this in their stockpiles.

It's from a lab.
It wasn't intentionally released.
It got out through greed and incompetence.
It is highly contagious. Just not as virulent as a bio weapon.
Not all viruses from labs are weapons.

what do you mean no bats native to Wuhan are you fucking dense? This is just the greater horseshoe bats' range

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dont know, dont care. just wish it would fuck off already. its just a virus

Yes , in China, they are idiots.

>its just a virus


Are you surprised anyone as nasty as the chinks brewed it?

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fuck europe eurofag

In a lab by eco warriors to force cars off the road to bring down global emissions it's all that little twat Gretta's fault

No, just because if someone wanted to create a really harmful virus it would be a LOT worse than that. Personally, I'm really excited for the CIA to finally drop AIDS 2 lol

a virologist in my university told me by looking at the RDA of the virus after the genome of the virus was discovered than is 100% a fact is NOT a man made virus

For Ausfags, ScoMo just announced a coronavirus tracking app that will be mandatory unless he can get min 40% voluntary adoption

Yep, mother nature is THE bitch

Certainly in a Lab

you don't have it, and no one you know has it. the most susceptible with weak immune systems are dying, how shocking.

Yes to corner a market for a mandated vaccine to make BIG BANK and ID people based off of antibodies

The virus behaves like a bio weapon. Extremely contagious. Deady and debilitating.

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Uh... It's well known with the science folks that this virus, the way it's sequenced, can only be from a lab. You need to get informed instead of watching CNN.

Maybe share a link to the articles/reports of your "science folks".

Any references? Actual papers, not news articles?

>Was it man made in a lab?
No, it was made in a bat!


Any virus behaves like a bioweapon. That's why they are used as a bioweapon. Interesting how that happens, right?

Not very deadly in Germany.

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No its naturally occuring. China played hot potato to other countries tho

Chinese got caught smuggling biologicals in DEC. Harvard asshole arrested. They stole it from us and used it on the world OR they stole it from us and we FUKT their live market with it, then blamed Wuhan lab. Either way, we're at war with China right now.

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It's a chimera that manifested in a black market trapper, who simultaneously carried different corona viruses from both bats and pangolins. If you think it's lab made then just keep reading your US propaganda like a good little citizen.