Hey bois any tips for a programming begginer?

Hey bois any tips for a programming begginer?

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Other urls found in this thread:

www2.cs.uregina.ca/~hilder/cs833/Other Reference Materials/The C Programming Language.pdf

learn to code

what language?

it's just one of those things that takes lots of practice to get. try to use best practice and keep organized and keep messing with stuff

One of my web dev buddies said to start with "c" so thats what im starting with right now

I don't recommend watching "Youtube tutorials" you don't think with them. You learn how to copy and paste code. Don't be a pajeet and just google every single thing.

I'd recommend:
www2.cs.uregina.ca/~hilder/cs833/Other Reference Materials/The C Programming Language.pdf

thanks user!

C is probably pretty difficult to start with. It'll be very challenging, but if you stick through it, C is extremely beneficial to learn. You learn how a computer works with C.

he said i should use something called vim, is that a good text editor for c or is there something else thats better?

lrn matlab

that's fair. if you're lookin to get into web development you'll need to know javascript obviously, but maybe he figured not the easiest to start with.

if you learn how to use javascript libraries web development becomes baby easy, but wouldn't recommend. Learn to code the hard way first, write your own functions etc. You'll be a better programmer in the long run.

Also w3schools is an incredibly valuable resource

Goddamn, your buddy is hardcore. Vim is difficult to get used to.

Vim is a terminal-based editor. You'll need Linux for Vim, so download a virtualbox or if you already have Linux, that's good. I don't recommend dual-booting your system unless it's two separate harddrives. Follow something called the vimtutor. It's a file that teaches you how to use vim.

To get started, to write a file, you'd type:
vim test.c

And vim will open a new file, test.c and you can write your code in there. To leave the file, you type:
: -- command
w -- write (save file)
q -- quit file

Edx had a good python course with problem files to work through.

After learning C, go onto either Java or Verilog, depending on what you're trying to do with programming. Java is an important tool to learn object oriented programming on any platform (Windows, Mac, Linux). Verilog is mainly for programming FPGAs which is prime Systems Engineering real estate. Once you learn two languages (preferably C and Java (or another Object Oriented Programming Language) learning any other languages is a breeze.

C is prob best language to learn, then learn an OOP like Java.

Sorry, I just skipped over how to use vimtutor. If you have vim installed, run the command "vimtutor" and it'll open up the file in vim. Then you can learn how to use vim with the tutor file.

I reccommend C++ first, it's a higher level language and easier to read and learn if you're starting out. It's similar to Python in typing, which is also good for learning. C is useful if you need to allocate memory by hand, and most large applications/systems are written in C.

There is an ubuntu app in windows

he said that if my dumbass couldn't learn c then i shouldn't even think about programming lmao

Verilog? Why not VHDL?

in about 10 years, programmers will be so common they'll make barely above minimum wage. You should go for a blue collar trade like electrician or carpenter

Codecademy has free pro rn if you're a college student

C itself isn't difficult. In fact, it's one of the easiest languages out there. But doing a huge project like setting up a server... then C gets difficult.

Not who you're responding to, but
Verilog is extremely easy to learn after you've learned C. VHDL is like Ada, which is NOT like C at all. I know VHDL is used in the aerospace field for being more consistent, but I also recommend people learn Verilog if they know C.

i don't have any experience with programming so either way this is gonna be fun

this might be a fair assessment. I got a completely unrelated degree in college but did a minor and learned web development

>w3schools is an incredibly valuable resource
The fuck it is.

C is starting out in the deep end for sure though. Do some static websites with light Javascript and use a real web development course at beginner level to get a feel what programming is about.

Even good programmers use referencing. Learning shit verbatim is useless, if you don't know how to structure your code. Don't be afraid to use stackexchange and google google google.

I've never tried Verilog before, I've had to use VHDL for a few classes. Its not too bad. Definitely takes some getting used to.

Had to use C and C++ for a few other classes but I've become a python fanboi since then

is visual studio any good?

Just have fun programming, mate! Do anything you want! Programming allows you to do anything with a computer! Ask questions to your buddy. If you're genuine about your questions and you're actually trying, he'll hopefully love to help.

Visual studio does everything for you. I wouldn't recommend it. You don't learn how the C program turns into an actual program that you "run"

Don't start with C. Start with ruby and learn concepts. After a month or two then take a look at C.

i really appreciate the positivity thanks anons!

C is a good language, but I'd definitely check python3 out if you're looking to do a cool project to get your feet wet

you don't like w3schools? I still use it occasionally, it's good for looking up syntax shit real fast

I use it because it's free, there are better options sure, but I haven't had any huge issues with it

OP, just stick to C for now. Stay simple. Read that pdf, follow vimtutor, and then come back and do other stuff. Good luck!

This user is right about everything

btw im colorblind (tritanopia) is that going to have any sort of effect? just thought i would ask

No. It's only text. Vim makes colors to make life easier for you, but if you can't see them, well, it doesn't affect anything.