Socialism is greatest/only hope for humanity. Prove me wrong.
Socialism is greatest/only hope for humanity. Prove me wrong
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You are ok with theft of personal property?
Personal ≠ Private
"If you're afraid the communists are going to break into your home and take your Xbox because private property has been abolished, you can sleep easy knowing that "private property" is not the same as "personal property." Private property refers to means of production (factories, machinery, etc.), whereas personal property refers to the things you the common person own. Your house, your car, and your Xbox are all personal property, and belong to you." -
the end goal of socialism is communism, but socialists will never give up their power
Socialism doesn't mean totalitarianism.
fuck off tranny
>"fuck off tranny"
>board filled with trap threads
Socialism is where we're going but I personally think thievery would be socially scorned still. I'm not OP nor a socialist, I do like the flag though.
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Lemme know when you figure out production of food, housing, recreation, cleaning supplies, and every other product for 7 billion people living speaking in countless languages and cultures. How many lightbulbs does the world need annually? Mops? Shoes?
It will never work. It’s a pipe dream with some good ideas and compassion for the working class.
The Soviet famine of 1932, where 1.2 million people died of famine due to the government seizing their crops to "redistribute" them. If you put your trust in the government 100 percent, you're fucking retarded
Bro, you're describing the global economy. That already exists.
see and don't be a faggot
Yes, but is the global economy socialist? It’s not, and it never will be because PLANNED economies are not compatible with human behavior. So I am saying Socialism can’t be the only hope for humanity because a planned economy is not something anyone should hope for.
We should hope for better quality of life for the world, but it won’t happen via socialism.
>Thinks planned economics is synonymous with socialism.
Yeah no. Some consider FDR's New Deal a form of planned economy and the US was never socialist.
Exactly how would a socialist world not be a planned economy? Is that not the whole point?
Well there's also decentralized planning, self-management, and market socialism. Pick your poison.
I can't because you are are 100% correct
Venezuela. Done.
Gay, see
And tell me a socialist country that doesn't become totalitarian
See second and third video. I'm not going to put any effort into this conversation if you're not.
It sucks.
>Socialism is greatest
European, "social welfare, full-service government" socialism? Or South American "there shouldn't be any private enterprise" socialism?
>Socialism is greatest/only hope for humanity.
against what?
Capitalism, obviously. You know, the thing that destroys poverty.
>destroys poverty
You mean cheap offshore labor?
basically the same
Cull the proles.
Why would you want to advance humanity tho?
yeah, more jobs is better than fewer jobs
No work is better.
I can't, you're right.
>Prove me wrong.
Not once has socialism worked in the entire history of the planet. fuckin commie.
I am with you, comrade
Get ready for the box, cappie
>Youtube? What the fuck is UTUBE?!
See second video retard. Fuck you guys are stupid, how many times do I have to link to this one comment?
Yes, but... Authoritarianism is essential to a perfect world... otherwise you just have a bunch of self-serving antifa anarchists undermining the state and ultimately the people.
Cause humans got tired of dying from aids and tigers?
Some degree of socialism is probably inevitable in order to stabilize society. Implementing it successfully has always been the problem. Europe has the only real success stories in doing it in any kind of big way and even they continue to have varying degrees of a free market. And they were successful because everyone was on board with it in Europe after WWII. Implementing it where large portions of the population do not want it never works.
Throwing the baby out with capitalism and free markets is foolish. Acting like you're going to be "free" with the absence of capitalism is foolish. You're just going to be answering to another boss. You can't blame all the world's woes on capitalism, because it's not true. Capitalism has done some evil shit, but if you think that socialism and Communism haven't done evil, please revisit this last century.
Capitalism allows for a greater degree of innovation than is usually possible in a very socialistic society. Capitalism has uplifted 2 billion people out of poverty (relatively) peacefully since 1990.
Yes, a degree of socialism is probably necessary for world stability. But acting like socialism is going to free you from the human condition is retarded at best. Acting like the government is inherently more trustworthy than corporations is retarded at best. Acting like life is going to be a lot easier under a socialistic economy is retarded at best.
There are pros and cons to everything.
There's this idea floating around that if we implement socialism, that we're going to be living in some kind of paradise, and I just don't buy it.
Go on freedom fighter, die for the freedom to choose coca cola or pepsi
how about we try national socialism again?
just try not to solo the whole fucking world
How about we fucking kill you and your bourgeoisie puppet-masters, nazi?