

Attached: 7.jpg (1000x900, 450.19K)


Are you okay?

Take your meds and find a new hobby

this is the sixth time i see that sleepy face, please someone explain that shit to me, be as vulgar as you want as long as i understand it...pleas

ak hug

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We just talk
Nothing really special

Attached: Konata88.png (1920x1200, 242.96K)

I miss my Boy :(

Attached: images (57).jpg (340x328, 12.31K)

What boy?

Attached: Konata65.png (1280x720, 820.51K)

¿¿¿Papi??? Aún te acuerdas de mí

Attached: images (58).jpg (459x668, 34.94K)

The one i really fell with :(

Attached: images (61).jpg (225x225, 9.71K)

How are doing anons? I'm getting frustrated because of this virus. Can't go to any places.

Attached: a1a645e.jpg (908x1554, 119.73K)

This Mari thing is NOTHING compared to Suiseiseki and DESUDESUDESU.

Shinku is superior.

No me olvidó tan fácilmente de un joto como tu

Who is him?

Doing good
Its stressing to not go out but at least you become a little bit more of a gamer

Attached: Konata67.gif (500x313, 183.51K)


Attached: 1528049986730.gif (490x414, 1.72M)

im fine i have homework to do! :)
Pues tu pendejo no mames

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Te extrañé mucho :)

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No mamo jaja
Conectate más entonces
Yo estoy siempre aquí de pendejo
Maybe, but idk, its kogasa?

Attached: Konata374.jpg (1229x1454, 479.11K)

how are you?

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¿Llegará algún día la cuarta temporada?

Attached: akari_akaza___assembly__by_andyxchan-d4qexcb.png (741x1079, 1.13M)

¿Cuál Temporada?
Do you know how to speak spanish :3

Attached: 3b5545cd4983bd8a7e36e6d2715031b8.jpg (2560x1600, 225.95K)

Ayer pase a buscarte y no estabas
aparte la escuelita no me deja :(
¿Te cuento un secreto?

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Thats a hard question
But im usually known as an idiot


Attached: Konata480.png (720x516, 375.58K)

it just a pervert spanish guy with cute green eyes :)

Attached: sample_76a289575994268e10aefd891ce70f7b.jpg (850x1048, 238.75K)

Yuru yuri. Yes, mi amigo. Se hablar español.

Attached: Sunao.Nako.full.2552602.png (1191x1684, 427.61K)

yay i have a new friend :D

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you are ice not idiot

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Según yo estuve conectate hasta las 12
Algunas veces dejo de postear pero sigo revisando el thread
Y que triste que la school no te deje postear, pinches ciber clases, ahora valen verga digitalmente
Y aber, cuenta cuenta

That sounds really cute
I would like to meet someone like him
But I dont like persons colour chocolate :)

Attached: Konata381.jpg (768x1024, 528.51K)

soñé contigo :3 que me dabas un llegue bien cardíaco anoche,
luego me desperté, no había nadie y me quedé con frió :)

Attached: images (6).jpg (238x212, 6.94K)

she also has colored hair but yeah i think you dont understand what i'm trying to say

Attached: y8k4iqk593a31.jpg (609x1000, 444.96K)

This thread isn't timed convenitenly this week.

Maybe both

Luego a mi me dicen joto
Ya quisiera ir a darte calorcito pero ya vez como está el virus chino
Y como chingados tienes frío?
Yo ahorita me estoy muriendo del calor

Maybe you could tell me the color of her hair
Theres a lot of person


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Love is in the air tonight?

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