Say im a nigger to my face

say im a nigger to my face

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Send me your address

im a nigger to my face

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whats up nigga

Can't, I'd get beaten to pulp.

Im a nigger to my face

Im a nigger

Don't tell me what to do, guy.

Nigger nigger on the wall who is the blackest of them all?

I can tell from the camera angle that this is a manlet

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See a lot of guys from that angle, huh?

He doesn't have balls

Looks more like a faggot to me. A faggot trying real hard to push out his tiny little girl muscles.

Sorry, sir.

im a nigger to my face

Déjà vu. Bore me too much.
P.S. : Nigger.

the proper sentence format for your command would be:

Call me a nigger to my face.

They would never say it to your face. Yas Forums is filled with irl pussies

oi fuck you guy, after this fag imma bash u m8.

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We would in the good old days. But now polite society gives you a pass to chimp out if we did. So we'll just think it instead. Cheers!

That's going to lead to pussy cancer, RIP

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im a nigger to my face

Lynx Africa

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get off this fucking site u subhuman scumfuck nigger

Hey nigger

my fucking sides

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Back to Pol faggot. I swear I see one more thread about politics I'm going to spam all of them. I'll create a thread encouraging fags to spam your shit so it's quarantined to your board. No one wants your poll aids here. Op give address.

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im a nigger to my face

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Well its Yas Forums so we cant. Not sure what you are trying to accomplish here.

No, because you want me to you shit fiddling kike.


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