I hate having a little sister

I hate having a little sister
She’s always dressing like a thot and it’s disgusting

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Rape her

Post pics.

Fuck her dude

She’s 13

Can you be any more of a communist? Let people live their life edgelord.

Yes, I understand. I don’t care what she does, I just think it’s gross always having to see her ass hanging out.

Just drop the pics

pics or it didn't happen

op is a faggot

slutty little sisters are god's gift to the earth

Hm summer is on it's way huh

Probably don't like having to see niggers either?

Changes nothing

shes her mamas daughter!

your clearly a faggot,what guy doesnt enjoy seeing a girl dress slutty and have her ass hanging out?

Post now, faggot. I know you have a pic of her feet somewhere.

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Well, yeah. Who wants to look at hairless apes?

Don’t know what this has to do with anything
She’s fucking 13 AND she’s my sister. Only a sick fuck would be aroused by either. Normal people like me are conditioned to be repulsed by the thought

Then post pics for us to get off on. No one said YOU have to get off on it.
Post feet.
*sniff sniff*

whatever fag,you damn well you've smelled her panties before

any straight guy with a sister has

can confirm.

Just be smart about it. I got caught by my dad jerking off in my sister's swimsuit in the middle of the night and it lead to a lot of forced therapy and my sister avoiding me for the rest of our lives.

Even if I was crazy enough to post pictures of my family on fucking Yas Forums, I still wouldn’t do it. I don’t wanna get banned for “child modeling” or some shit

>Normal people like me
And yet here you are on Yas Forums. Go over to pol, they'll be more helpful. Stay there for a week or 2 and get fully redpilled
t. polfag

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Why come on here and say your sister is always dressing like a thot.

Show her how to dress properly then, you spineless faggot.

Have you ever just had a thought that you really wanted to share, but couldn’t publicly? That’s what I sometimes use Yas Forums for.

>show her
>implying she’ll listen

the heck are u doing here if you're normal?

>being a virgin who doesnt enjoy seeing a girl dress slutty

I said show, not tell.

Not all of Yas Forums is Yas Forums. I only came her for this specific thread
