Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

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Get a life


Let me here you say 'yeah'!
Let me hear you say 'Yeah'!


Hell no, hell no, hell no, hell no, hell no, hell no

No No, no no no no, no no no no! No no no, you nonces! No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no no to noncing!

Hell no, hell no, hell no. No, you nonces, there's no where too hide! No valley too deep; no mountain to high. No, you nonces, come give us a fight. I'll hunt you down, and do it with pride!

Let me here you say 'yeah'! Hard to the core, smash down your door, I'm in your face and you beg for no more. I'm on your case, I know your face, do you no good just to put in your place.

Tic tic tic tac, your ass is mine, do you no good to beg and whine. Open your ears for the final warning; it's time to stop, the rage is spawning.

No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no no, you nonces! No no, no no no no, no no no no, no no no to noncing!

No, you nonces, there's no where to hide! No valley too deep; no mountain too high. No, you nonces, come give us a fight. I'll hunt you down, and do it with pride.

No no! No no! No nonces allowed, here what I vowed: Microphone check, shout to the crowd. Play on the road, I got no fear. That's sound from my mouth is a rap, you hear.

No valley too deep; no mountain too high, I'll find a nonce and make them cry. Now hear my rhyme, I'll say it loud: "Hunting peados and I am proud."


No, you nonces, there's no where to hide. No valley too deep; no mountain too high. No, you nonces, Come give us a fight. I'll hunt you down, and do it with pride.

tdlr faggot

The black people ruined the show for me, who wants to see a nigger, anybody?

I hope you catch a bullet to the dome when shit starts going down.

There you go, queer


lbs ruin everything

What "shit" would that be?

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I know, the nigger porn is posted all day long. That IS why you're upset, no?

I'm not sure it was liberals who ruined it, but it was pretty shit tbh.

Altered Carbon on the other hand was completely ruined by the SJWs. The only good man in the show was Poe who was saved by a woman AI multiple times. Kovacs and Jaeger are pretty badass, but hold up this black woman is the strongest and can summon fucking lasers from the sky. Also look at this other black woman, who is kind and cool and hecking strong!

Oh, and the ultimate ruler of the whole planet is a woman.

Not sure if it was the forcing of majority female cast into the series, but the writing was awful in season 2. It could also be because the woman writer didn't use a novel to base the script on this time.

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Nothing has been ruined, just don't watch the netflix show. The books and games will continue to be excellent, with a 4th game in the works.

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Where y'at Tom Brady/fried chicken faggot?

Yeah...you. The asshole who starts this thread waiting for the trigger for his shit-tier joke. I know yer out there.

4th game? I don't believe you.

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Well you seem pretty angry over this "joke", faggot. By the way who said it was a joke?

Why do you care so much about shit you should have outgrown in high school?

said a person on a Yas Forums thread...

There he is. All hail the comedy master.

>you should have outgrown in high school
Question, do you watch anime and/or play video games?

Use your search engine of choice.

There what is? Why are you so upset they're adding fried chicken and Tom Brady? Racist much?

I will not!

No, fuck you

No, but I enjoy goofing on people who do. Keeps me young.

Then why the fuck are you on Yas Forums? For all the fucking nigger porn?

>> Kek


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I think that guy's mostly on trap porn... so many thread lately

Dude's probably lying anyway just to save face. Which made him look even more retarded, ironically

Because they aren't capable of touching something without it immediately turning to shit. Is there anything they haven't ruined?

Won't feature Geralt as the pc

This must have been the best show of all time for OP to be so assblasted

How is that a Witcher 4 then? Did user just tell me a bold-faced lie then?

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I have a better question, OP:

Why do conservatives constantly try to ruin my country?

For all of US history, conservatives have been on the wrong side.

Conservatives in 1776 were on the side of the Crown.

They were the Confederacy.

They were the KKK.

They were on the side of the Robber Barons.

They were anti-suffragists.

They were anti-civil rights.

They were anti-LGBTQ rights.

They're anti-healthcare, anti-education, anti-environment right now.

With their failure to address Russia's attacks on our elections and their refusal to hold Trump accountable for his crimes, they're also now anti-democracy.

They have always been the bad guys in US history. Every single generation we've had has had to fight them tooth and nail to make progress. We win, and we leap forwards with policies like the abolition of slavery, or the vote for women, or child labor laws, or civil rights, or abortion, or gay marriage, but their wealthy owners sit back and regroup and launch another attack on civilization after a few years.

And it works. Specifically because conservatives are tribalist cavemen who will do whatever their Big Chief tells them to do. They're authoritarians by nature who believe that right and wrong don't come from structured moral philosophies, but from whatever their chieftain tells them is right or wrong. What's true or false.

They're weak-minded children at heart, who yearn for an all-powerful father figure to provide easy structure to their world. Because they cannot handle the complexities of real life. Because the burden of free thought is too much for them to handle. And because they are fundamentally terrified of change. Change, above all, is beyond their understanding. Unfortunately for the rest of us, they don't know it. That's what makes them so insidious.

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Nah, just a Yas Forums refugee all sad because they put some brown faces in some bullshit fantasy adaptation.

yeah, but your pet porches keep holding Nosebook pride parades

nice try schlomo

Niggers and the Witcher are the same thing. Ruining the Witcher isn't any different than flushing your poop down the toilet.

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>pet porches keep holding Nosebook pride parades

Congratulations on making zero fucking sense, Stormfaggot.

Don't like pride parades? Then it's real simple: STOP DISCRIMINATING AGAINST THEM.

Literally the only reason pride parades exist is because gay people get discriminated against. If they were fully allowed to live their lives like they wanted to without cries of "degeneracy" and the butthurt seeting from the Reich Wing, they wouldn't have any REASON to promote "pride" of any sort. They'd just be, you know... People. That's all they want.

So the bigger question is, why won't you just leave them the fuck alone? Why is the matter of whom they choose to be naughty with or show affection to any concern of yours?
