Should i send a dick pick to an ex-coworker? I really want to fuck her

Should i send a dick pick to an ex-coworker? I really want to fuck her.
Girl on pic looks like her

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do it faggot

The problem is that she still goes out with coworkers in the company i'm working still at and i'm concerned it will go viral. Aaa and she has a husband.


Satan commands you to DO IT FAGGOT

Women love when you make sexual advances user

Seriously, don't do it and i think you shouldn't ask such questions cause it's pretty obvious. it's the kind of things that seems harmless at first but may have consequences you wouldn't think of first. So please listen to the good voice in your head.

I was thinking of sending some and saying it is wrong chat and ask her to delete them

The good thing is i'm in this company for few more months. Not sure if i will return in the future

nice, satanic trips on the first post

op, you asked your question and you received a sign. Either do it or live with the shame of being a coward forever


What are the chances she replies back with a photo

More like she replies back with going to HR and you're done.

And he gets whupped by her husband chad

it depends on your dick. if you send her a dick pic of a lame dick then she will hate you forever. But if it's an impressive dick she will be compelled to reply with a photo

You do understand that women really don’t want to see dick pics right! It is probably the last thing 93% of women want to see especially if you’re trying to persuade her.

Post the dick pic here first

Has she expressed interest in having sex with you? Then sure.
If not, then no.

Why don't people understand this?

that's dumb. she won't know if she wants to have sex with him until she has seen his dick. that's the whole point of sending an unsolicited dick pic to an acquaintance, you retard

There was sexual tension between us when she was still here.
Hope she is from the other 7 %

sending a dick pic is the quickest way to not get pussy

nothing ventured, nothing gained

sending unsolicited dick pics will just get you laughed at by her and all of your mutual friends (she WILL share it with them). It doesn't matter how big it is. It's such small dick energy to send a dick pic like that. It comes off as so desperate, like no shit you have a functioning dick, you're an adult, you don't need to prove it via picture.

if the husband has any balls whatsoever, all you will accomplish is getting your pathetic ass beat.

yeah man she totally doesnt get dick pics from random punjabis every week why not send her another

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don't listen to these betas, op. they are feeble and small. you are an alpha, you do what you want. and you know deep in your heart that you want to send a dick pic to your ex-coworker

Do you think the ol' unsolicited dick pick has ever worked? Do you really think there are women out there thinking 'you know, the only reason I'm not fucking user is he's never sent me a close-up pic of his junk'?

She will laugh and show it to everyone you know.

Hey, I'd try having a bit more class, but if thats how you pull girls give it a shot.

If she sent you a pic of her pussy you'd like it, right? So it stands to reason that she'll enjoy it when you send her a pic of your dick. It's basic logic, bro!

If women thought like men about sex that's how it would work.

Most of them don't. That's why you're not getting laid.

Maybe 1 out of every 100,000 women actually wants to see a fucking dick pic. Enjoy getting ghosted you spastic asshole.

How do you know Jessica?

Dude, don't do it. Ask her if she wants to go for a drink with you or some shit. Sending a dick pic is a good way for you to get into hot water for sexual harassment. GL bro

OP, don't let these retards troll you into chickening out. They are trying to sabotage your great idea. Because they're jealous.