In this thread no one is to get dubs. You get dubs, you lose

In this thread no one is to get dubs. You get dubs, you lose.

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Singles time

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Check this lack of dubs.

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the first casualty

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Oh shoot!~ you done goofed hardcore!

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Ooooh frick!

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No dubs

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Abnormal amounts of dubs in a thread where dubs are not allowed.

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Fuck dubs I'm here for the trips

No dubs here

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Salty deuce deuce

Silly yotsuba getting dubs

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what if i get quads

That would be an epic win, since only doubles are not allowed.

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I'm sure I'll avoid the dubs.

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I'm game!


>> This is just reverse psychology...

but it's working

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What about trips

LOL. This is Going to BE ez pz =)

iiiiiiiin't get dubs.

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I-I'm sure I won't get any dubs.

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Trips mean you win the game.

The game.
The game that you just lost.

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Oof. Time for you to abandon the thread, user.

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Check'em bois!

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Time to end this once and for all

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It's time to get dubs and chew bubble gum, but I'm all out of gum.

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Do trips count?

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There is no dubs only singles

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You're a man of your word, Duke.

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Oh fuck oh fuck!


Seems like this thread has been ruined with too many doubles. Time to call it a night Yas Forums.

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absolutely zero chance of dubs here

Don't mind me, I'm just watering my dubs.

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