

Attached: ZAoy8SOd7o.jpg (740x984, 146.24K)

I hope they get the corona. Only fucking retarded conservatives would think they could protest a virus.

>try to look badass
>put on one of those Chinese duck flu masks
Honestly not sure why someone, at the bare minimum, didnt kick those dicklickers out of the photo

>Hurr durr we protesting stay at home order but let us bring guns
Fat, disgusting, inbred brainlets.

We just had this thread two hours ago. Nothing has changed.

I love the way they wear their special retard uniforms to go out calling.

KEK! Some are wearing masks. JUST in case the totalitarian government pigs are telling the truth. "Oh don't mind the mask guys, totally unrelated to corona."

Enjoy letting the government step all over the UNITED STATES BILL OF RIGHTS, you retarded niggers. And I'm talking about you retarded niggers who aren't siding with the protesters. Go vote for Bernie, faggots.

I mean those are the exact kind of people I'd expect would protest stupid shit in Michigan

Have a welfare (you)

I'm a gun owner and I wouldn't be seen with these larping retards.

And they went back home after this?

>Enjoy letting the government step all over the UNITED STATES BILL OF RIGHTS
like you give a single fuck about freedom of the press

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Of course they did, how else would they complete the circle jerk?

What are the guns for? Are they afraid leftists are gonna snipe and attack them?

>morons who don't have anything better to do

Man, take a class or watch some youtube videos, jesus.

They plan to shoot the "fake news hoax virus"

>protest a virus.
Speaking of retarded, learn to read.

If only you'd been there to say that to their faces, you could have sent them all home.

Literally no violence there, but you have a problem with that?

To remind people that they have civil rights, none of these people were arrested for carrying his guns and there was no violence at this protest but you were probably just practicing your pseudo intellectualism so my bad

Bernie's not a real communist, Trump likes real communists.

Attached: 105995199-1561815754057rts2k40l.jpg (678x381, 36.2K)

Trump LOVES real communists.
Here he is with his next bride.

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She banned a ton of stupid shit like buying seeds to grow your own shit. She's just a power hungry nut.

Pull there stimulus checks. See how they act then

Omg it's America!! It's such a big deal because it's America! there's plenty of other people protesting in other countries but omg America!

The press can print whatever sort of retardation they want for all I care. If someone they're lying about calls them out in front of everyone, they've got no right to cry about how their freedom of speech is being suppressed--that person just used their freedom to criticize what they said.

Fuck those terrorists

Fight me snow flake, no safespace stick, no backup. Fucking faggot

Go make a site and call it Allahchan or Goatpussychan or something idk what to tell you mudfarmer

Natural selection do your thing... thin the herd

thank god we have you to enlighten us with real intellect, ,my bad