Im asian, is my dick average or small compared to Caucasians/Black

Im asian, is my dick average or small compared to Caucasians/Black

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Looks around average length-wise but maybe a tiny little bit on the thin side? Not much just a bit.
I like how smooth your skin is btw.

Hand is covering way too much, but 6/10

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Asian-American or elsewhere?

more tits less dicks

You can't compete

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Like, asian asian. Malaysian.

Then I'll have to agree with Average but kinda thin

I wanted to use my hand as a scale. But I realised everybody’s hand is a different size

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Check em, you’re average. You’re fine

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i think i know u sia bro. wa lan oi.

Thank you. Hahaha, I naturally have smooth and soft skin even though I'm straight and never use lotion.

wa lan oi?

thanks mah dude.

srry i meant op lol

Do you know me?

did you fail to hookup or something to warrant this post?

>even though I'm straight
I'm not and I'm jelly of the smoothness ;-;

Does this actually affect your penis length? tf?

Diet possibly. I'm not sure just guessing at what user meant.

Nah, I received a compliment from an asian girl, but I take it that tiny asian girls have smaller and shorter vaginas. So, I was afraid I had a big dick in asian standards, but a small dick (internationally).

Awwhhh haha thank you. Good genes I guess.

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thinking it was heredity based on location, ie Asians who's been living in US for generations may have different sizes compared to Asians in Thailand for example.


dude you look like a good 6.5-7 inch and for an asian thats bloody god like

asians circumcise too?

your local kylie jenner

You can compete with white guys. You definitely can't compete with black guys, andyou can't compete with us latinos. I feel kinda bad that my son is going to be half asian but that's more his problem than mine.
Pic related: me

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im not sure if you got a fat cock or is that finger fat

Thanks mate, but I'm a grower not a shower

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do latinos have big dick? alot of spics are manlets so i assume they have average sized penis too

Fat cock

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Mexico is split between 5'3 manlets and 6'0+ men. Can't speak for the rest of latin america.

well youre hiding half of it

Yeah, Asians circumcise. At least in Malaysia and some of the people I know in HK do too.

Cant compete with latinos? But you look like you're almost the same thickness as mine.

I'm about 7.4 inches

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bro are you circumcised ?

Yer bro

You guys have such straight penises. wtf. Well done bro

Where? That's at least an inch smaller.

Post moar of?

thats at least an 8 inch, my gf and i would love to drink your strong alpha cum

Well, I needed something as a scale, but dang bruh. Poeple's hands be different sizes and shit.

That ain't fat.

OP here, I guess I fall under the Asian stereotype. But when I’m excited, BOYyyYyyyyyyyy

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aw its cute. Shave, caged yourself and get into real men, judging by how smooth you look in your first pic, if you try, you could deff be passable