Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

Why did liberals ruin the Witcher?

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They ruin everything. See:-

Western Society from the French Revolution to now

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Liberals had nothing to do with the French revolution

Because it's funny to watch you neckbeards thrash.

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What the what now?

>American education

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It upsets you. It isn't 'RUINED." It has brown people in it, intentionally to make you feel feelings that you think the world shouldn't allow you to feel.

Just a reminder that OP spams this thread regularly, as well as the "Angry coronavirus landlord" thread. He ignores valid points and just repeats a handful of nonsensical phrases. Don't take the bait.

Then you march around your (parents') houses and pretend you understand fascism.

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those angry coronavirus landlord threads are hilarious tho, because all the commies come out of the woodwork and get btfo by simple logic

Why do republicans ruin everything?

Of course.

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They didn't though, you fucking retard. Are you going to tell us that MLK freed the fucking slaves next?

No it is ruined, and you're a faggot

i dunno even know if its him anymore (pic has different filename), I think someone took up the reins for the purposes of trolling/meme forcing

so what you're saying is, liberals are for the restoration of European Monarchy hey?

Nice quads

Just a reminder this retard gets triggered by facts
He also gets angry when people point out his fucking pets need to pay the fucking rent
Take note of his faggy plebbit spacing as well
It makes it even easier to mock him

No I'm saying liberals had jack shit to do with the French revolution. Are you fucking lost?

I'm neither left nor right, so it's all just watching retards see who can shout the loudest, but these threads are cancerous bait. Same with any orange man bad threads.

>plebbit spacing
>literally no spacing
jesus christ you're getting worse at this.

you didn't mention porches or pride parades
goddamnit you're slipping user

your idiocy is almost incomprehensible. read a book

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The Witcher is just The X-Files in old tymee Europe.

Are you high? Or are you responding to the wrong person?

I'm glad there's new people on this webbit zone.









I know you faggots can't follow along without it

You didn't mention your pets needing more handouts. You're slipping faglord.


You are very upset about nothing, user.
Care to talk about why, hon?

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You're the only person in this thread who has used reddit spacing so far...
Jesus christ you're embarassing, one would think this is your first time trying to be an "epic troll" except this is like the 40th duplicate thread I've seen you make. You're not even smart enough to troll.

My biggest question is.
Race aside.
How does a man THAT FAT become leader of an army.

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>being this scared of (you)r boogeymen
aw sweetie

you must have really really really really really liked The Witcher. I never watched it. Was it really THAT good?

Any shows you like that liberals DIDN'T ruin somehow? Do you avoid shows with any Jewish names in the production credits?

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Yes, you are clearly upset. We're not sure why. Might be because your fucking pets are refusing to pay the fucking rent and not getting away with it? Sorry pal, that rent needs to be fucking paid whether you like it or not

What are you even fucking blabbering about? Are your fucking online classes done for the day or what?

Imagine getting so assblasted about a shit show loosely based on shit source material that you have to create threads about it every day that you're allowed on the internet where you just screech and screech with no actual objective, except to screech some more.

So, that's a no on the welfare state from you, huh?

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Imagine NOT getting ass blasted about nigger porn being posted all day because you like it and jack off to it. That's your life at the moment.

You're mentally ill lol. Kill yourself and you'll live in your own little paradise version of The Witcher where there are no scary brown people.

Why don't you ask your porch monkey pets that question? Are you afraid ofntjem or what?

What has nigger porn got to do with anything? There's so much projection coming from you, every time you make these threads.

Yes. They're black.
Why wouldn't I be afraid of them, dude?

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Serious question, buddy. Are you okay? Do you require medical assistance?

Lmao dude, no one cares about minorities being in the Witcher. And it wasn’t the mUh LiBerALs!1 that ruined the show (although Netflix panders to liberals) The show is shit because They ruined the main character, and because of most of the episodes just don’t flow well. Geralt has the personality of a log, he has like 3 lines in the whole show that aren’t “hmm...”, or “fuck...” If you’ve read the books, you’d know that Geralt is actually pretty talkative, and downright annoying sometimes. Like he’s not this stoic big badass that just shrugs everything off and goes about his day. That being said, they got most of the supporting characters right.