Are you in a sexual relationship?

>Are you in a sexual relationship?
>How often do you masturbate?

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Yeah, fuck about 4 times a week and masturbate 2 times a day.. sometimes more... I'm 26 and I've been doing this for at least 7 years. I think I'm addicted

Fuck no. How can one do these

yeah i still masturbate the same amount of times as if i didnt have a gf. its fun watching porn.

>1-2x weekly. When I'm home alone, if I'm too horny to get my work done or can't fall asleep but my girl is already asleep.

i would watch porn and masturbate everyday, but i dont really wany to have sex with my gf unless im horny (as if havent masturbated for 2-4 days)

Sex probably 2x per week. Masturbate on non sex days

But, the sex is better if I no fap


I also fuck chick on the side on occasion

Jerk off orobanly 3-4 times a week and have sex about 3-4 times a week

Sex and masturbation are different in my mind. Sex is about being with a person jerking off is just a release like shitting or something

Yes and daily

my gf and i fuck once or twice a day, but she goes to bed at like midnight, and I'm up until 3-4am, so i usually rub one out in the wee hours.

I jack off 3x a day and fuck 3-5x per week. I don't consider myself addicted, I just have a high sex drive.

Addiction is when your behavior starts affecting other areas of your life negatively. Bonus points if you do it and you don't actually want to (i.e.: compulsion).

That's not how it is for me. I wank as a quick break from work and I do it because it's enjoyable. That's not addiction...that's just a horny guy enjoying life to the fullest.

I don't know how it is for you, but your numbers by themselves don't prove anything one way or the other.

I still have sex, but anti depressants made it hard to get off when i jerk off. I could get off in like 5 mins before, now it takes like half an hour or more. Shit honestly gets boring half way through. At least I last longer in sex now

In quarantine my gf will try to fuck me minimum twice a day, though I usually won’t. do it that much. I’ll masturbate maybe 2-3x in a week, no porn. Sometimes I just want to be alone with my thoughts.

Normally masturbate 5 to 7x a week, just recently got into a relationship so when we're together it's at least twice a day - that'll probably slow down in time. But now it's so great


At least twice a day.

It is more of a compulsion for me and i have a problem with saving porn on my phone. She has never asked or checked but i worry about how she'd react if she saw my phone porn. I've thought about telling her it's a problem for me before.

married 25y
fuck, twice a year,
jerk of daily.

1) nope.

2) nope.



used to fap all the time but now I live with my girl and I only edge myself when not with her and only cum in her.

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Late 30s.

I've been jacking off 3x a day for the last 15 years...ever since I got my own place. The 3-5x per week of sex happens when I'm in a relationship (I've had a couple gfs in the last 15 years, with some breaks in between).

No regrets. My porn use/sex drive doesn't consume me. And I don't artificially limit it to prove anything to myself. I have a good career, exercise lots, and am happy in life.

Yeah for about a yer now, we only do oral, shes too young to loose virginity, and when im not with her i masturbate every single day for about 2-3 times

I am with my girlfriend, and now that I am alone with her daughter 12 hours a day Ia m also in a sexual type relationships with her.

4 years together, fuck like 2-3 times a week, masturbate 1-2 times a day

sirs does the sex time smell like alfenlaffen or gnocci? maman always has said the best boink reminds of gnocci from old country


Pretty similar here. Although, the last week my wife has been telling me not to jerk off, because she wants "all my energy"

It turns me on hearing her ooh and ahh about the big powerful loads i have been blasting on her fap free.

so its actually kind of worth no fapping.

27 virgin jerk off everyday

married. we have sex on average 2-3 times a week. i jerk it 5 times a week on average. for both it really just depends. my libdo is mostly on but sometimes im just a sleepy gob

I admit I prefer jerking off over sex. Live with GF we do it about 1-2 times a week and i fap everyday. I also have the death grip so that doesn't help either

Jack off 1x a day

Blowjob 1x every day

Sex before bed every day

On her period I get two bloejobs a day and when not sometimes sex twice a day.

I trained her well

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