How does this shota image make you feel?

How does this shota image make you feel?

Attached: Hiro Miguel 017.png (2063x1000, 1.81M)

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Cute feet

Most definitely. They probably pleasure each other that way as warm-up.

I don't feel much because the art style isn't sexy to me.

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same as all shota threads

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That’s the only way their dirty active feet will get somewhat clean

>How does this shota image make you feel?

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i want to lick a shota butt

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Japanese on Mexican is the most delicious "dish".

Would be nice but I don't dig the art style.

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Bumping for anons who had shota butteating experiences during early puberty and want to share what that was like.

i had someone rub their dick on my butt but unfortunately they didn't lick it


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This one high school freshman (14ish) got super attached to me when I was a senior and since he claimed he wasn't gay I just figured he wanted to stay good friends.

Well anyways one night he slept over and we ended up aggressively making out, frotting, sucking each other off, and he really got into it when I was fingering him and begged me to eat his ass. He kept squirming and moaning how good it felt with my tongue inside him so I basically just did that all night. Wish I thought to have him sit on my face :/

Going to the sauna with a shota

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I used to work for a security company and its surprising how many overbearing parents put cams in their kids room

i would

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Nah its weird. I saw boys do private stuff that should've been private

You don't need to pretend like you didn't like it.

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Now they're putting Ring cameras in there, making it all the more easier for people to hack those cameras and talk to their children. One of the scariest parts of becoming an adult is realizing that 50% of parents are absolute fucking morons who should not be raising a child.

no racemixing dammit

what were the weirdest things you witnessed on camera?

hiro is already mix raced and mexicans are arguably a mixed race people

like wut?

Nah its rude

Yeah its weird af

Lewdest was boys camming. Saw a couple do naked stuff together.

Changing. Sleeping naked. Etc

>Nah its rude
If you're the parent you should be allowed to spy on your kids all you want.

what kind of naked stuff?

strong disagree

violating your kid's privacy is a very easy way to lose their trust. having them maintain some level of trust in you as crucial to making sure they don't do dumb crazy shit and act out in an unhealthy way once they enter their teenage years. you also want your kid to be able to confide in you and come to you for advice so if you lose their trust, you lose that as well

If they're embarrassed enough to have a want for "privacy" with you then you're a shit parent tbh

I don't understand what you mean by this. If your kid wants to jack off in private that makes you a bad parent? Are you high?

Nah I don't think so

Touching dicks and comparing em. Some parents had them in the bathroom too

Sounds like you had some trauma you're not over.

what was the wildest thing you saw boys do with each other, either in the bedroom or bathroom?

I mean I was emotionally abused by my mother but nothing physical ever happened to me, if that's what you're implying. But I can speak from experience that unwarranted invasions of privacy, especially once you enter your teenage years, are a great way to ruin transparency between you and your kids. Both my sister and I rarely share anything personal with our parents because all they ever did was disappoint us with their inability to understand and listen to things we wanted to tell them. If you raise a kid with the intent to strip them of any independence you're just a selfish parent.

I saw two boys strip wrestling

how far did they go, were they hard during it?

Did you ever do anything else? When I was in high school I would have killed to have a little freshman who might let me get my dick inside him.