What shoes do you wear

what shoes do you wear.

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I used to wear Emerica Reynold 3's until they discontinued, returned back to older shoes such as Globe Sabres.

do you skate my niggah?

Fucking rights

Work on concrete all day and needed a steel toe. Cant complain yet.

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I was about to post my new balances but saw this post

And remembered I supposedly still have a job some where. Been wearing cheap ass Carolina boots, but they've crept up in price so I finally bought a decent set of Thorogoods, the day before my job was deemed non essential so I haven't got to try them out yet.


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I have a pair just like that. Bought them when I was doing work in auto plants, and had to crawl around in hte overhead all day. We were supposed to have over-the-ankle steel toes, but I kept getting my feet caught up in all sorts of cable tray and shit. These Keens are incredibly light. Squeak like a motherfucker at Tesla, though!

slip-on Vans, always slip-on Vans

I haven't left the house in three weeks, I'm wearing these comfy as fucks

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For going outside, to the uni, with friends, church... these:

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ew, the fuck are those dude


Im guessing you go to one of those worthless churches with a gay preacher? Everyone looks like a fucking bum and its all worthless virtue signalling each sunday.

nah. They don't look that bad with some jeans and a polo shirt. If there is virtue-signalling, I am not aware of it.

SOme kind of nike sneaker. They are shit for protecting your feet or keeping them warm but they are very comfortable. Paid like 70 bucks and they are my go to sneaker.

>sneakers jeans and a polo shirt
>in church
Enjoy burning in hell for going to a milquetoast church with no standards. I wonder how lax and convenient they word is in your church.
Why even bother going?

lol. What do you wear for church?

>doesn't know how to tie shoes
Whichever way you go over first, go the opposite on the second pass. So if you go left over right, make your loop on the left side and wrap over with the right, or vice versa. You'll get a knot that holds better with the loops out to the sides instead of pointing at your heel and toes.

Ah, its a big joke to you. Just like your actual faith.
Go for the easy, convenient thing which is looking like a bum in a place of worship.
So what happens when you come to pass the hardships and the inconvenient truths written in the bible.
Im sure youll have some convenient interpretation from your lazy progressive preacher that makes everything palatable for the ones with fairweather faith.

One day youll realize that just lazily showing up on sunday isnt going to give you salvation.
Ill pray for you

>lazy progressive preacher
wrong church, my dude

But thanks for the prayers.

What you permit, you promote. I can tell right away the type of bullshit your church permits, and can tell right away the type of person of faith you are.

I don't recall much about the unkempt being unwelcome in church, but Matthew has a bit to say about the cunts making a show of their presence, who show up fishing for compliments on their new hats or suits. Pretty sure it's the same book that says something about "judge not..." Then again I could give a flat fuck about your imaginary friend or how you see fit to appease it as long as it doesn't infringe on others - which seems nigh on fucking impossible.

>I don't recall much about the unkempt being unwelcome in church
You arent unwelcome at all. In fact its great to have people come in off the street and find faith.

But for someone who believes he has strong faith but cant put the effort into looking decent says a lot.
Are you looking to better yourself and strengthen your faith, to show god how much devotion you truly have?
Or are you looking to slap on your sneakers, sit around waiting to get the fuck out of church?

I wear Glocks, what they lack in traction they make up for in ammo capacity.


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black rubber crocs and nothing else. ever

Look like the sneaks my preacher wore last sunday.

shhh. Don't trigger the (tuxedo) fanatic

Looking decent by society's standards or are you speaking for the god you worship? Rhetorical question, everybody who isn't guzzling the koolaid knows god is a personal entity through which we convey our own belief system constructed by taking the parts of the word that we like while ignoring or performing mental gymnastics to skirt the stuff we disagree with. It's why none of you fuckers can agree on old testament law, whether it's still the law of God regardless of Christ or if Christ's sacrifice forgives us of those sins. Cue pork okay, shellfish okay, blended fabric okay, faggots still somehow not okay, blah blah blah.

I think we're just going to waste each other's time.