Hi all. As Corona homework assignment i have to write an essay...

Hi all. As Corona homework assignment i have to write an essay. I thought it would be nice to write about something controversial, i got a subject and i am looking some inspiration.
Have leftists, muslims, feminist, jews and journalists abused the word "nazi" on so many nice and honest people that the word has lost its negative meaning and have the masses started associating the word Nazi with something positive? When you hear the word Nazi does it reminds you of people who want(ed) to kill other people based on their race, religion or ethnicity, or does it remind you of hard working, sane and woke people who want to protect friends, family, traditions, values, freedom and safety? Or something else?

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It reminds me of the last battle to save humanity from degeneracy and it failed

it reminds me of hitler and swastikas etc. tbh

>nice and honest people

>if you speak or act in accordance with the policies of the Third Reich (endorsing white supremacy, hating Jews or other darker-skinned minorities, raging & seething against "degeneracy", claiming "but Hitler did nothing wrong," etc), you're going to get called a Nazi
>and you will deserve it
>Godwin's Law does not apply in these instances
>therefore STFU

>calling fascists Nazis is not overused
>calling fascists Nazis will never get old
>you already openly admire Hitler & wish you'd been members of the SS, being called a Nazi in your warped worldview should be seen as a compliment, not something to bitch about on Yas Forums

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wooooo preach rabbbbbiiii

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Makes me think about losers mostly. So obsessed with some cringe idea of racial purity that they totally overlook the degenerate drug-fuelled homoeroticism of actual nazism

This is objectively true. Anyone who thinks Nazi is a positive term is caught in an echo chamber. Nazis are and always will be for killing.

That's fucking retarded even for Yas Forums.
If you are a nazi or have any sympathy with their degenerate ideals you are a valueless scumbag.

I hope you fail your fake homework, kid.

But isn't everything (even before Hitler) comparable to hilter and Nazi ideology in some way? There have been dictators and mass executions going on since forever. Besides, your text isn't useable for my essay. It does not contain a valid argument.

>Besides, your text isn't useable for my essay. It does not contain a valid argument.
r o a s t e d

samefag larping kike

Look at all the ip's faggot. If you can't come up with anything better to defend your loser's creed, then maybe gtfo... fucking stormfags.

>9 posters
kys newfag

Nazis are objectively scum. The right thing to do after WW2 would have been to exterminate every nazi and cleanse the planet from evil because they literally deserve it. However, that would make the rest of the world just as evil, which we are not. Proven by the fact that we didn't exterminate them when we could have. The future might not be so kind to them though, for better or for worse.

Go back to Yas Forums

U right bout mentioning ideologies b4 Hitler, maybe u could write about the word fascist which is used for the group of ppl described by that user but also is a more spread term BC in countries where there isn't enough white supremacist movement and such, leftist use the word fascist to undermine other ppl who are from right ideologies but not really something as bad as a Nazi or a fascist, just a little bit. Also there isn't so many leftist that use freely the word fascist and Nazi, just a bunch who scream very loudly

Man, what can anybody do with empy comment like that. At least try to write something useful.

>not Jewish
>you're reprehensible

Only one I posted in your little collection there is the first one, so fuck off faggot.

I wasn't trying to provide you with anything for your Ese, I was addressing the hypocrisy of someone endorsing Hitler & his policies and then complaining that they get called Nazi. But since you mentioned it...

What you're referring to is Totalitarianism in the context of fascism and how it compares to other ideologies. Totalitarianism is the means by which a dictator gains & maintains control over their domain.

>1: centralized control by an autocratic authority
>2: the political concept that the citizen should be totally subject to an absolute state authority

Totalitarianism transcends the system of government in place; the only thing that must exist, that any two systems will have in common with regard to totalitarianism, is the presence of a dictator.

Look at it this way: on the political spectrum
>communism is the far left of center
>socialism is slightly to the left of center
>fascism is the far right of center

With that in mind, imagine communism as a Mini Cooper, socialism as a VW Beetle and fascism as a Porsche 911. They're all cars, they've all got 4 wheels, go "vroom" and can get you from point A to point B.

Totalitarianism is reckless driving.

When i hear the word Nazi, it reminds me of the people, who singlehandedly caused an worldwar, resulting in over 50 mil people dead, including my granduncle. It reminds me of the people, who fucked up my country with their stupidity, caused the destruction of all major citys and the division of Germany in two parts for over 40 years.
As a conservative German, seeing the rise of new nazi partys makes me sick and in can only see stupidity and degeneration in this ideology

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gotta love how their version of meth was called pervitin. Clue's in the name.

Spot on, most of the Germans do not look like they employ thinking at all.

I'm really looking forward to the next aggression (I'm deliberately voting for AfD for this) so that this country gets bombed to shit again.

Hitler dubs :|

>As a conservative German
Correct me if I'm wrong, but aren't fascists/Nazis the extreme form of conservatism? Basically, the people you claim to hate (rightfully so btw) are just like you, just on steroids?

>fascists constantly seethe about "degeneracy"
>self-admitted conservative German only sees "degeneration" in fascist ideology

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So a Conservative is the same as a Fascist by your reckoning? Does that mean a Libertarian is as well? Or that a Liberal is a Communist? Are your parents brother and sister?

The nazi ideology is revolutionary, its objective is destroying the order to install their own order (which is focused on the destruction and domination of other races/people)
Conservatism is anti revolutionary, in my view it is about preserving democracy and its values, defendig it against leftist agenda and so on

The word Nazi means nothing to me, but I asociace it with the people who use it on every occasion to describe someone who is against their leftist bullshit propaganda.
Like someone says that transgenders are mentally ill, obviously they must be Nazi. You single out Jews in any (even non hateful) sentence, you are marked as a Nazi.
And everyone responds to that like: "oh- he was just called a Nazi and from what I know from Jewish propaganda and every movie ever made, is that Nazis are evil. So this dude must be evil".
That goes for any argument.

So in a nutshell the word is crafted and propagated by the Jews so dumb snowflakes can use it to mentally distance themselves from people who still use logic. And is at this point infinitely expanding it's meaning even without any additional Jewish efforts.

No, not all conservatives are not fascists. However, all fascists are conservatives. Pic related.

"Revolutionary" is a broad, generic, subjective term. Anything can be revolutionary; much like totalitarianism, it doesn't imply any allegiance to any ideology.

The Russian Revolution is called that because their ideology (putting the common man in control, fixing income inequality) was revolutionary compared to the system they were replacing. Not only was it a vast departure from what preceded it, it was new & untested; hence "revolutionary."

Putin's fascist takeover of Russia after the fall of communism, though subtle & not ever labeled "fascist" (even though it's proven to be just that) is revolutionary in the sense that it swung the pendulum from one extreme to the other.

So I've just given examples of how transitions to both communism and fascism can be labeled "revolutionary". The examples you provide are, however, a paradox. Meaning each one of them is true in and of itself, but when you combine the two, they contradict each other.

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This is you

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>And everyone responds to that like: "oh- he was just called a Nazi and from what I know from Jewish propaganda and every movie ever made, is that Nazis are evil. So this dude must be evil".

Nazis aren't evil because of "Jewish propaganda films." Nazis are evil because they fucking committed genocide against a group of people who are ALWAYS being fucked over. It's called "Jewish propaganda" by anti-semites specifically so you'll discredit it and become an anti-semite yourself. Thereby, calling something "propaganda" is, in itself, propaganda.

Besides, how these movies, pictures, testimony and the fucking REMAINS of concentration camps detailing the horrors of the Holocaust be "propaganda" if they are, in fact, true? Again, calling these facts "propaganda" is itself propaganda. It's trying to get you to disavow your eyes and ears, that what you're seeing & hearing isn't actually what's going on. For comparison:

>‘The Party told you to reject the evidence of your eyes and ears. It was their final, most essential command.’ -Orwell

>“Just remember, what you are seeing and what you are reading is not what's happening" - Trump

Found the fascist

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inb4 horse shoe theory from that fat guy on JT

Death to Nazis everywhere

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All white people are white supremacists according to (((journalists))). Whatever the more we use the word the better. Also fuck Nazis (literally and make white children 1488)

I'm an anarchist, actually.

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>very orderly and heritage loving
>degenerate ideals
Pick one Shlomo. (((Degenerate ideals))) was what brought Nazis into power in first place (Google Weimar and Bolshevism)