What's the worst physical pain you ever experienced?

What's the worst physical pain you ever experienced?
Broken bones? Some exotic bug bite, burn, anything you ever experience that was unbearable?

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abscessed tooth

Got hit by a bus once. Once the adrenaline wore off at the hospital, that was a real beauty. Felt like my entire body had a big blue/black bruise

Stupidly drank tap water when I was abroad. Nearly blew my arsehole apart for the next 48 hours whilst vomiting non stop. Thought I was gonna die.

Nothing worse than a banged knee or a banged elbow

Heart break

Got bit by a spider in mi middle finger of my right hand. After a few days the pain was enugh to make me consider amputating the finger. Got cured after getting medicine injected.

diarrhoea from kfc, worse than losing a tooth

Stepped on a glass sliver that was around 1cm long. When trying to get it out with tweezers I broke the top half, leaving the rest stuck deep inside my foot. I refused to go to the hospital, so I pulled out a pocket knife and attempted to dig it out. 2 hours later I finally managed to pull it out, but it was by far the most painful experience of my life.

the pain I felt when Trump won the election


Just biting some doritos whit my destroyed and opened thoot, right in the nerve

remodeling a bathroom I was backing a 3" screw out of a 2x4 and the space I was working in was really small so I had to turn the drill sideways. To get enough pressure on it I put my off hand behind it and didn't realize that I'd fucked up.

As soon as the screw came out it crushed my index finger against the next 2x4. It was right on my the first joint of the finger and I could actually hear and feel it crunching. Hand was pinned in place and I had to let go of the drill with the hand I was holding it in, reverse the direction, and re-sink the screw. My finger turned blue and yellow from the bruising and that joint still doesn't bend like the others.

Reading this thread

I once sucked a 10 inch monster cock and he kept violently forcing it down my throat and making me gag

it was incredibly painful but also incredibly hot

many many kidney stones for years when i was younger.

>datamining for torture

Kidney stone, hands down. Never felt anything as bad, never want to again.

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Tore my rotator cuff, and damaged the nerve that runs through that area. Pain was a constant for 8 weeks straight. Slept in 20 minute bursts for first 6 weeks because just laying down, the pain would get so bad it would wake me up.

Hearing my gf getting fucked by a black guy when I came home early to surprise her.

how did you do that?

Doing something I had done hundreds of times before. Was tearing down the a/v gear from a corporate show in Vegas. That silver truss you see with lighting on it at concerts, etc... has a steel nameplate that weighs about 75 lbs. You pick up one side, and tip it up on its edge, and slide it onto a wheeled cart.

The last time i ever did that, as i was pulling it up, my shoulder made a sound like when you pull velcro apart. I dropped the plate.

What's weird is, that it didn't hurt initially, it felt like a pressure in my shoulder like someone had injected water into it, but no pain, so i kept working.

Went home, went to bed, and woke up at 3am in the worst pain of my life.

Nameplate = baseplate.

The physical and mental anguish of being alive. I deal with it everyday.

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Luckily I've managed to never full on tear it, but I've twisted the meniscus in both my legs more than once. Knee injuries suck a very special kind of ass.

I used to be into body modding and branded myself a few times. This pain is really nothing. The worst part is the ache afterward and your skin cracking when you move if you put it in a bad spot.

Inflammated spleen.
Everything you do is painful.
Moving, not moving, doesn't matter.
Just constant, extreme pain.

For reference, had a lot teeth problems too:
tooth pulled, infected nerve, tooth that just split, teeth smashed to bits with the nerves dangling in the air.

Inflammated spleen was the worst thing I have ever experienced though.

Every breath was pure agony, in the hospital they gave me several pain killers through IV, but that only helped a tiny bit.

I once fell down in an open washing machine. Got a knife 1,5 inches in my wrist.

Getting bear maced.
Luckily it was winter so I plunged my face into snow to get it off my face. Thought I was going to die, thought it was an acid attack at first.
If you ever get pepper sprayed/maced, when you take a shower: CLOSE YOUR EYES AND KEEP THE CLOSED. You'll be maced again but by closing your eyes at least it won"t blind you again.


was it an accident?

Naw, two thugs maced me, beat on me a little and stole my backpack, which had a laptop in it. Pretty devastating.

damn that sucks, did you know the guys who did it?
can't even fight back when you get maced

hahaha, faggot

I suffered 2nd and 3rd degree burns to 10 % of my total body area.
When you are being treated for burns they "debride" the burns every second day for 6 weeks.
Let me take you through what that means.
They take the dressings off.
A team of nurses surround you.
They give you all the painkillers you're legally allowed. It's nowhere near enough. Not even close.
Then the nurses start hacking and scrubbing.
With scalpel, tweezers, stiff nylon brushes, scourers and disinfectant, they scrape, cut and scrub off every scab until they are scrubbing your raw flesh and skinless bloody nerve endings.
For me it took 3 to 5 hours every second day.
There is nothing that compares. Ask a burns ward nurse.

2 months in the hospital for my ulcerative colitis flare in 2018, everytime i would eat i would immediately have excrusciating pains in my abdomen, required immediate iv dilauded or morphine (there was dilauded shortage at the time so i was switched to morphine which is weaker), by the time the nurse came with the medicine i was crying it was so severe; thankfully this let up in my last few days there and then i was able to go home with normal oral pain medicine (but needed much more of it than usual for several months after - now i am down to a reasonable level thats not dangerous etc and i can function kindof even without it it just kindof traps me in bed unable to do anything

maybe ill have surgery next year after coronachan is gone, i really dont want a shitbag though...

Same, I’ve had over 10 kidney stones, first one when I was 18. The pain when it moves down your ureter is about as bad as it gets. I’d lay on the bathroom floor getting up to puke every once in a while. The biggest stone I’ve pissed out was 6mm, a spiky bastard too. But that pain was nothin at all compared to when it’s moving down your ureter

Various self-harming, haven't experienced anything that has surpassed it so far, plus it shot up my pain tolerance quite a bit.

Compound fracture from skateboarding

if it makes you feel any better, that's a very chad sport and girls love skateboarders

Seeing Men in Black International in the theatre.

Nope, totally random and unprovoked. Stay safe out there user, life can be cruel.

Part of my training in the army was to crawl naked on anthills, it was the worst experience ever and I still don't understand the point of it.

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Based skatechad.

Getting a root canal with the novocain not working.
They would always tell me to eat before having a procedure, I thought it was so it didn't make me nauseous or something, turns out it's because your body may metabolize the novocain very quickly so it doesn't work.
I found out just as the dentists had exposed the nerve, it was like someone was holding a little blow torch on the tooth. The dentist told me "hold on" and shoved one of the tack looking needle things they use to remove the nerve down there (OH FUCK NO) and then twisted it (immediate bliss).
It was crazy going from such searing pain to pain free in a split second.
I've had horrible tooth problems and broken bones and stuff but I think that one took the cake.

Cluster headaches.

Double ear infection after spending like eight hours drinking and playing in my buddies pool which had not had it’s cleaner running for months. Both ear drums crusted in blood and crispy. Felt like a chopstick being jammed through my ear canals

Dont I know it lad. Got laid by too many crust punks.

the pain sensation from the kidney expanding like a balloon from all the backed-up piss when a stone gets stuck in the ureter is equally as bad as the pain from a stone moving/scraping it's way down the ureter.

both are a nightmare.