I want to fuck Greta Thunberg really hard in the anus

I want to fuck Greta Thunberg really hard in the anus

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Does she know that you want to do that or does she even know you exist?

Have fun getting corona cause shes infected

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On a bright note china's carbon emissions went down 6% just ignore the fact that it's because more than 6% of the population has died from Kung-Flu

she will when this gets tweeted to her

>thinking a celebrity runs their social media
Wew lad

OP wants to plow her ass so she can't cough in his face

Nah. China's population has little to do with their emissions. If their carbon output has gone down, it's because Western consumerism is dead.

The coomer evolving into a cooougher

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Ah yes its all west its not like chinese people drive cars or anything

I bet she'd love some rough anal and when you don't pull out, she says "how dare you"

I'm sure you can lure her in with a Greek salad, Goodluck OP!

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isnt that kind of pedo

No, she's 17

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Someone post the photoshopped pick of greta where she looks decent


oh ok


As long as you dont breath and emit carbon dioxide go for it

One of the guys that pilots her sailboat has a BUNCH of creepshots

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>it's the west's fault China is literal cancer
Fuck off Xiang

Nice but Greta has absolutely flat tits with puffy nipples (aka God-tier)

This, but she looks like a potato

why? pussy is made for intake. ass is made for output

It's a risk I'm willing to take. I've got more than enough chromosomes to satisfy her


There was a mega link posted a few months ago before the corona mess. I don't have a link and haven't seen it posted again. They looked 100% legit though. They were mostly creepshots of her using the makeshift toilet, no nudity that I can remember, unless you count her thighs and panties showing

Then godspeed, brave user

That's understandable. Almost all 15 yr old virgins want to fuck anything really hard: underwear models in catalogs, their HS teachers, the neighbor's dog, a sponge, etc.

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i guess i will just have to believe you