I fear we really are in the end times

I fear we really are in the end times....

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>Mark of beast
it's a hat not a mark holy shit you're dumb i doesn't even have any symbols or insignias on it just a red cap with lettering.

You really need a new hobby

He causes all, both small and great, both rich and poor, both free and slave, to receive a mark on their right hand or on their forehead, 17 so that no one may buy or sell, except he who has the mark or the name of the beast or the number of his name.

Well sure as fuck ain't the MAGA hat because you're almost guaranteed to be denied service if you wear one in public.

This makes me so fucking horny

It's "wear", not "bear"
MAGA is a Trump sign
also Trump promised to be literally Hitler, he's there and He's literally (((churchill))), so the "false prophet" fits anyway

I wish. Wouldn't that be fun? No structure, do as you want, take what you want. Spend all day making sure you survive. Sounds better then most days.

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just sayin.....

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Barren has a small tattoo on his head?, Plus he's has the codes!!!

the mark on the hand is coming... it could be a trump salute or something. The end of times is upon us and trump is it’s stupid, stupid prophet.

If you are a Christian and you've read the Bible than you may have heard this verse from Matthew:

"Heaven and earth will pass away, but My words will never pass away. 36 No one knows about that day or hour, not even the angels in heaven, nor the Son, but only the Father. 37 As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be at the coming of the Son of Man.…"
~Matthew 24:36

Read Revelations. There is so much that has yet to unfold.
The mark will have nothing to do with Trump. He is just a man. Flesh and blood like you or I.
The mark will likely be a quantum tattoo or a microchip embedded in your skin.
This pandemic may be how they roll out this technology.
Read your Bible and keep your eyes open. Nothing is what it seems.
Not even the "bad orange man"

> Haha yes I completely agree fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.

And he’s got trumps dick up his ass. The kid could be the anti-christ!

Sorry for the terrible formatting.
Been a while since I posted on this site.

how stupid and useless must one be to believe some "human" was killed and then came back from the dead? i mean back in the 1st to even 18 century i can understand humans still being completely misinformed but in 2020? all it takes is to go to school lol. i wish i was a believer. god damn.


awww we said that when the nigger was elected only thing that happened is that we got fucked over for 8 yrs. but if you think its really that bad unhero and we talk again in the next life

which god though?

I'm totally not a believer.
I would be cast into the pits of hell for the life I've lived.
I'm just citing what's in the book.

Cashless society is coming in the wake of this pandemic.
People are going to be micro-chipped.

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I think he is

The universal god?

Actually, some guy set out to seriously prove that Trump was not a good match for the "antichrist" of the bible.

He was surprised to find that Trump IS a pretty good match.

>No structure, do as you want, take what you want

And yet the people who survived Sarajevo have absolutely no wish to live it again.

Ok, that's them. Don't care about Sarajevo, fuck them.

>As it was in the days of Noah, so will it be

Well, since we have very little idea what it was actually LIKE in the "days of Noah", that is one badly written explanation.

>Orange Man is truly bad

Trump is NOT an orange man.
He is a WHITE man.

I swear, all this "orange man" crap is to make his opponents seem like racists.

I dont really think trump is the antichrist, but this article points out some pretty crazy coincidences.


That's not an explanation.
It's a Bible verse.

You don't have to know what it was actually LIKE in the "days of Noah"
to understand what the verse is saying,
provided you have the reading comprehension greater than that of a 6 year old.

>we got fucked over for 8 yrs

Could you spell out the details of how you got "fucked over" ?

What was so terrible about it?

Yep and you couldn't really make this up!

You (wasn't it you?) declare that complete lawlessness would be fun...
..contrary evidence gets posted....
...you ignore it.

This is how Trumpards minds work.
They live in a fantasy.

>You don't have to know what it was actually LIKE in the "days of Noah"
>to understand what the verse is saying,

Yes I fucking DO.

If someone explains Wazzocks by saying
"Wazzocks are like Gombeens"
then I really, really need to know what a Gombeen is.

Face facts. The Bible is so badly written that no "omnipotent god" could be involved.

Look man, i'm not going to hold your hand and spell it out for you in crayon.

Figure it out.

I don't have to face facts because I don't believe in the bible.
Was merely quoting it to someone who does and clearly hasn't read it.

>One of a list of things happens

The previous poster who implied you have the reading and comprehensive abilities of that of an elementary school child were correct.

Holy shit that’s actually fucking scary.


Again, not a believer.
Just citing the book.

By all means, take the chip.
That is your choice to make.
I've made mine.