I have a message for the white supremacists

I have a message for the white supremacists.

There's no need to keep fighting, your ideology already lost and deep down you know it. You can always accept defeat with dignity and help to speed up the process. It's inevitable.

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I bet those black dudes have already been shot by police. Check mate, user.

Shut up stinky

fuck off shlomo

What is it like being the nigger poster? Are you proud of your work? Do you think any other groups appreciate it?

How come these niggers get to have beautiful blonde girls while I'm still a virgin

>I have a message for the white supremacists.

larp harder coom-boy

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Imagine you have nothing going in your life but this low-tier spam.

Lol, of anything an Elysium type future would happen.

All the rich and intellectual whites, White-asians, and white-latinas would flee and leave all kinds of niggers down below.

Blacks don't value education compared to whites, that's why they had big ass gallons vs mud huts during colonial times

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as a nigga fucking a 24yo hot polish bitch I can conform this

>she loves to role play black master white slave and it turns her on when I make her feel guilty about slavery

>Blacks don't value education compared to whites
They actually value education more. They just aren't very intelligent, mostly because of genetic reasons.

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gee, I allways wonder who's behind all this Niggerposting

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you mean posting your shitty blacked threads as a poorly larping jew? Maybe you should do us all a favour and kindly die in a fire

White men is over

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What does girls posing with animals at the zoo have to do with anything?

nah they're still fucking them.

just give up, jew! You have been detected allready

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they broke up but got back together again. zoomers be like that nowadays but that pussy is definitely getting beat up


just use your imagination

I know a woman who's bf ran off with a black girl.

Roses are red
Violets are blue
Niggers ard black

And you're a Jew


Nigger countries have been all in poverty.
For niggerfaggot niggerfaggremacists: stfu

Is this woman banned or something? Third day with the same pic and same bullshit topic and no nudes or fuck vids?

I know they exist. What is going on? Is this China fucking with us?

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