Rekt thread
>wrecked thread
Rekt thread
Charles Russell
Sebastian Young
Jonathan Rodriguez
Logan Moore
Gavin Thomas
Adrian Harris
Jason Robinson
Bentley Brooks
Colton Bennett
Adrian Foster
Eli Myers
Robert Howard
That's one badass little car. I want one of those.
Dominic Wright
What happened to Liveleak?
Jonathan Brown
Liam Watson
Isaiah Torres
Brody Wood
Ayden Watson
It's still there, what do you mean?
Juan Gonzalez
Imagine getting your ass kicked by a manlet
Liam Howard
They took all the nasty videos away
Brody Phillips
Jack Sanchez
Are the chinks really THAT stupid???
Leo Lewis
Fatty cant even fat right
Gavin Murphy
I love this one, surely a classic
Christian Rodriguez
Ethan Martin
Justin Hernandez
Sebastian Allen
Dylan Wood
Levi Lee
Tried to livestream it?
Joshua Ramirez
This is how "traffic jam" is made.
Juan Anderson
Why they get paid less
Jace Walker