Cuckold here

Cuckold here

talking about the history of this photo.

She is my girlfriend, we went on a trip to Las Vegas, where we met that guy who invited us to spend the night with him and his friends.

We were in a bar drinking and at around 3am they rented that limo ...

Continued with what happened? I need to know if they are really interested

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go on

Cool story bro tell it again

They fucked your girl while you watched. Story over.

Dude u post this every fucking day in every fucking thread
Just make a mega n share...

Tell us the story here n share her social

We asked him to take us to our hotel and so it was, but they wanted to continue drinking in the hotel bar, which we did for 1 more hour, she told me that she wanted to do it with them, or at least with one of them.

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I hope this fucking thread dies in a minute

she looks like how everyone wishes emma watson looked like

sounds pretty interesting....go on dude! And post all pics u did that night

Not if you are posting, lol

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so yes, in the end it happened, we packed lingerie that she wore that night, she was fucked by 3 guys while 2 others only went to her hotel. We spent about 3 hours, everyone finished and left our hotel with the sun rising.

Hahah yeah, little bit

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can u go into detail? how does it started?

Go into more detail man come on

Well that was a stupid fucking story

Jesus Christ not this shit again

If with details you refer to photos and videos, then yes, I do have videos, but they are not in webm format


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just post it on volafile


Post them here: vola 18m7hcq4m


Op here

Volafile here



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trash and saged

I need to see winrar of vola :(

so u are one of those dummies that dont know how to make a webm?

Yes i am, so how?

Attached: 81991833_1253461438193464_4708980204641452032_n.jpg (790x1405, 44.75K)

i did what this tutorial says

Omg, damn hot, more?