Suicide. What are the easiest, most effective way with the least suffering

Suicide. What are the easiest, most effective way with the least suffering.

I'm 41 and I'm a failure at the only thing I ever cared about being good at: being a good Dad. It's literally the only dream and goal I ever had for myself and today I realized neither of my kids want anything from me. Wife too. I think everyone has had it with me.

So how do I do it?

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You'll be a failure if you kill yourself. Stop being lazy and work on yourself man.


Best way . Post sauce of your wife

It's too late for that.

suck until you pass out

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You'll just wake up 30minutes later, 10 IQ points poorer.

I know a way but I might be banned so welp

butane doesn't cause brain damage, it's as effective as the helium method but with additional anaesthesia

Don't give up. A doctor can fix those lopsided tits.

Opioids and benzos will do the job without pain.

How can I ensure its a lethal dose?

>with the least suffering

don't be a pussy
you only die once


do it awake
and drunk

call a prevention hotline. I'm serious. talking to someone that's been there before feels amazing. i wish the best for you user.

have it taped to your face so after you pass out you're still breathing it, there's also a chance you could die instantly from sudden sniffing death syndrome

Skydive into a volcano

Take pills nigger. It's way more easier and without pain.

I know a guy that tried that and woke up brain damaged. I'm afraid to end up like him.

if you do the running car in garage, be sure to remove the catalytic converter

Let him go. He's ready for darkness.

Any fat soluble gas causes brain damage. And the helium only works because of the mask.
Same reason people huffing paint, deodorant, lighter gas, or that duster shit get retarded.

Jump off a cliff or bridge if overhangs solid ground. Literally the only way to be 100% sure and also not be a pain in the ass to clean up. Or suck a shotgun if you have access to that.

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Shallow water blackout
basically just hyper ventilate to purge CO2 from lungs then jump in your bath and hold breath, you'll pass out before you even have the urge to breathe.

Buy a hooker and pay her to listen to you and fuck toy.


Gonna leave a mess if you hit the jackpot and it actually works. Don't advocate shit that ruin other peoples lives.

Oh yeah. That way when the adrenaline kicks in and he's spassing out in pure agony and fear, he'll be powerless too.
Fantastic way to go.

Never heard of that one. Sounds promising. Where can I get more info?

It's actually very consistent

It is never to late look at what you are telling yourself. The lack of dependancey from your children and your wife actually makes you a success. Stop being negative. Also if you are white we will need you in the coming war.

just search "shallow water blackout" you'll find all the information you need, god speed user

Hookers want to fuck quick and leave. They don't respond well to manlet crying.


That looks like the winner.

Why don’t they want anything to do with you?

this is effectively just drowning yourself, isnt it?
heard that shits pretty painful.