I think of changing my os to Linux. I don't have much experience with Linux but would get it a try...

I think of changing my os to Linux. I don't have much experience with Linux but would get it a try. I read that it isn't great for gaming. What has been your experience?
>game emulation
>running games
>daily task

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Ask /g/

Stick with Windows. Linux and the OS distributions are not geared toward gaming enthusiasts. If you want a home server, sure. Learn some Linux. If you want to game stick with Windows.

I'll do that
Thaks user, I was reading Linux mint wasn't that bad. I'm just sick of the constant windows updates I even went back to windows 8

Do not ask /g/. They will tell you to Install Gentoo and go back to Yas Forums. Just stick with Windows.

Well you have stopped in time, I was just going to make a thread there.

>If you want to game stick with Windows.
Old meme is old.

just fucking do it.

Too late. He read three comments on Yas Forums, of all places, and decided that it's impossible to play video games on anything but MS Pooinloo.

Just like the other user said.
If you wanna learn Linux and use a GUI it's all fine and dandy. It's not "hard" to learn, it's actually pretty straightforward. It's always just when updates come and shit breaks and you don't know what the fuck anything means once you begin looking up solutions.
Windows is sort of like this but at least there's many more people with the same problems as you, were an update to fuck you over. Linux is no more secure than Windows, so don't bank on that. They both just take different approaches to security. Linux's is better, but it's not impenetrable. But then again, you have to be stupid, or important to be hacked now anyways since most of the net is safe. If you wanna go the Linux route
>Watch tutorials on basic commands on YT or some shit
>Get comfy with the terminal
>Go on Linux academy if you wanna learn more
>Avoid /g/'s recommendations. They'll either tell you to install a diff flavor of Linux that they like or tell you to stay in Windows since that's what your comfortablw with.
>Ubuntu is also another OS to use, relatively simple and a lot of documentation and tutorials.

Whoops, sorry OP. I went on a tangent.

No idea, I don't stream. I use Linux just to study it since I haven't gotten comfy with it yet. I wouldn't doubt there's something that'll let you stream on Twitch.
>Game emulation
WINE is pretty alright however you will get performance hits. It's much better to just virtualize a Windows machine and play your games there. At least in my case because then you can throw away the VM in case of anything and nobody will be the wiser. Plus you can probably find a way to keep all your games that way when you fire up a VM you won't need to redownload your games.
>Daily tasks
Fuckin A. Linux is good for tasks. It's not as resource hungry as Windows nor does it have as many bg processes.
>All in all of you wanna take a week or two now that quarantine is in full swing to learn it feel free to boot up a live USB of it and just try it out before making the switch.

I'm still here, ik it's an old meme just cropped it cause I'm on my phone. I'll take any advice.

>I'll take any advice.
Don't be a dumb faggot who believes everything he's being told. Especially on fucking Yas Forums. Download VirtualBox (free), install any fucking Linux-based OS in it (free) and spend some time playing with it (costs you hours out of your life but you're wasting it here already anyway). If it breaks then it breaks and you install it again and learn something new. Fuck around until you are confident enough to install it on a spare PC as a host OS. If it breaks then nothing of value was lost (you did remember to rsync everything valuable, right?). You'll know what to do past that point.

Thank you user. Should I run a virtual emulation of Linux to practice?

I didn't think I get as many responses. Thought the thread would die off. I'll give it a try.

>game emulation
stay with wangblows for gaming
>running games
same as above
>daily task
depends on the kind of tasks, if you need office, stay with windows but if you're into coding stuff linux is fine
no, don't do that

By streaming, I mean watching videos. I assume it will be fine since it can run video games.

Like I said man.
>It's as easy as downloading Balena etcher and a Linux ISO
>Using Balena Etcher to make a bootable Linux USB
>Usual BIOS boot order change
>Instead of "install OS"
>There's a "try this OS" option. Select that and just mess with it. Then once you turn your computer off and set your boot order back to the way it was, it'll just boot back into windows.
Pretty risk-free way of just trying Linux. You don't even need a virtual machine like another user said above.

>By streaming, I mean watching videos.
Lol, there are web browsers, yes. Also you can just download the video itself and play it in a media player. What decade are you from? QuickTime mov and its brethren has gone the way of dinosaurs like 10 years ago at least. Multimedia standards are the same across pretty much all major platforms with some dying out exceptions.

Dude, like Netflix, YouTube and all that spaz shit. I actually forgot QuickTime existed. I'm a millennial. Know some code basics. Html a bit of Java and that's basically it. Like I said I'm not Linux savvy. Always wanted to try. Never did. I'll try now.

/g/ here
Install Ubuntu. There are quite a few games supported natively, and most windows games can be played with some small tweaks or none at all using Proton.
To check compatibility with Proton for a game try the website protondb
Emulation seems to be better than windows because there are a shitload of linux-geared emulators on github
Daily tasks are so much better on ubuntu, considering it doesn't suck balls like w10
Streaming works just fine, OBS is in most repos by default.

How much did MS pay you to suck their dick?

I would recommend following the official guide

Streaming is better with MPV

Linux is more secure by default provided you don't run everything as root

Does it require a client? A proprietary program of their making to download and install on your computer to use? If no, then you just need a modern web browser. So see above.

user, you either need another coffee or a new brain.

Probably both,

I'll check out the link, thanks.

>It's always just when updates come and shit breaks and you don't know what the fuck anything means once you begin looking up solutions.
haven't had an update break anything in ubuntu since 2010. you must've fucked up somewhere and blamed it on linux. we see your kind on /g/ every week, ranting and raving how you spent a whole two days on linux and how much it sucks because ???, then scream how you're going back to windows.

Chris Titus on Youtube has some good info, including gaming tips.

Go get Rufus to burn an iso on USB.
Get xubuntu18.04 iso
rufus iso to usb
boot from usb
select to try it out, instead of install
fuck around with it all you want
reboot without usb, your back to your same old system.

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You guys gave me an idea I have an old pc it old Gen but it's still a monster. I'll install Linux on it. It has an Intel motherboard, 32 ram, I can't remember what video card is running I think it's amd. Need to replace the hhd. Do you think this will work?

Totally. Do it. What's the worst that could happen?

two words. dual boot. I've been using dual boot for a few years, and I haven't looked back.

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I'm taking notes boy, I really appreciate all the advice.

Practice in a virtual machine first. Much easier when you can just switch to a different window and look up a solution to your problem or whatever.

>offers no advice

0 dollars and 0 cents. OP just wants to play games, not learn a "marketable skill."

True, this is an old pc I haven't used in a couple of years. I always have my laptop close to the tower. But yor way seems like less work.

Offered plenty ITT, pajeet. Go reboot after moving the mouse cursor.

Go fix your xorg.conf fatman.

Wrong , I'm willing to learn but I also don't want to stop gaming. That's why I'm asking. I don't earn a living in it but I like to have some skills in various departments. You never know when they will help.

I'd also recommend starting on a simple distro like Linux mint, zorin os, or Ubuntu. those are some simple distros that's easy for beginners. but there are others that you should give a try like Solus, Manjaro, pop is (not for dual booting though.), etc.

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i used to do this until this current machine. i just got tired of windows sitting there for months because i rarely play games. i installed retroarch for when i get the itch to screw around and its been absolutely great! can you imagine the updates windows had waiting for me whenever i booted that shit up? what a nightmare.
I'm btw


I was wondering why this thread was being so civil. Took a bit to get spicy.
>that's why we never have nice things.

is it an old machine that's just been sitting there or is this old machine your daily driver?