Hey fags

Hey fags,

Its Sick-kun. Here's is some OC story I've been working on. Here are the new chapters I've added to the shit i've posted this week. Let's see how this hits

>Be me, 20 year old douchebag
>Relatively attractive, I'm tall, green eyes, no ridculous deformations or back hunches
>Get offered a job as a gym teacher at a drama summer camp
>Making $20 an hour to make sure the little shitheads get some sunlight and stop listening to RENT music
>Mandatory teacher's orientation meeting at a Dave & Busters (I know wtf). I'm just keeping my fingers crossed hoping their will be some hot females to slide a knuckle in
>Everyone is dressed pretty nice and I immediately realise im under dressed in a FLCL t-shirt under some flannel, and jeans
>Meeting starts and i'm scoping the room for babes, my underserved self-confidence puring out of me at breakneck speeds
>Eyes focus on this short, curly headed white chick, built like a corgi
>Lets call her J
>Nice butt, hips, cute brown eyes with a nicer smile
>She's on the radar
>Continue my recon of the room, cuz why not try to fuck everything with a poon?
>Eyes immediately fall on some big ol FAT tiddy
>About 5'3, long blonde hair, dark green eyes, and cute little buck rabbit teeth. Oh, and atleast King DDD size boobous
>But there's something incredibly familiar about her face
>it fucking hit me
>I went to high school with this crazy bitch!

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>I'll go into detail later, but for now lets call her Bonnie
>Another ding added to the radar
>Meeting continues, I'm making small talk, its all going relatively well tbh
>We're finally introduced to our 2 camp directors
>Head director is this tall, handsome actor motherfucker that looks like that fagboi from Tangled...fuck is his name
>Ryder Flynn! or something, whatever
>Have known Ryder Flynn since High school and come to the understanding that this lanky, swooft hair motherfucker will be my main competition in vag slaying
>He must be overcome
>His stupid introduction is finished, and I literally get caught off guard, despite my incredolous sense of self-worth
>There's an angel standing next to Flynn.
>Tall, blonde, bright blue eyed, slender frame having angel
>Celestial soft, full lips and a pair of hips wrapped up in a navy blue romper, decorated with tiny flowers
>Gorgeous, creamy legs dripped out from her romper like canadian milk drips out of stupid fucking bag
>10/10 and quite obviously way out of my league
>I couldn't care less tho, add her to the "to do" list
>My lust will overcome the skies
>"Shoot for the moon, so even if you miss, you still fuck a star"
>The meeting comes to a close and a glimmer begins to sparkle in my eyes
>3 different girls i'll be working next to for the next 3 months
>The stage is set for my summer harem to begin
>End Ch.1

and bump the thread to keep it alive

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>So within the first week of work, things are going relatively well
>My job is as easy as watching a hamster, except theres hundreds of them, but still, theyre just hamsters
>J is a group leader of the 5th graders so I get to chat her up whenever she brings her mongrels to my class
>Bonnie's the assistant to the group leader of the 4th grader (their actual group leader is irrelavant to the story, but if you need to know he's some pimply faced teenager who doesnt even register as a threat to me)
>I rarely get to see angelface tho, she just floats from class to class, making sure none of the kids havent eaten each other yet
>But within the first week I learned something important about the each of them. Let's start with Bonnie, my favorite
>Bonnie shows up to my class with the kids
>While I have the kids do jumping jacks or something equally as pointless, I go to talk to her
>"Hey Bonnie, how're you?"
>"uhhh Bonnie, you hear me? how're you?"
>Behind a glazed over look, she finally recognizes that I'm talking to her
>I know it sounds like she's ignoring me, but just you fucking wait
>"Oh user, I'm good"
>"You sure? You seem out of it"
>"No no, im fine. Just tired" she replied behind donut glazed over eyes
>And then it hit me, the reason my body was hesistant to want to demolish her the night of the staff orientation

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Oh shit

New chapters?

>(Originally I thought it was my conscious, but no it was much worse)
>This big tiddy bimbo is always fucking high on percs!
>Now to be fair, she's prescribed them because she's always sick, but I remembered just how much her "always high" personality annoyed my ass in high school. but back to the story
>So i'm sitting there, clearly annoyed that I can barely get her to keep up the convo
>Bonnie's standing there, tiddy's tantalizing as it looks like she's trying to remember how many hairs she has on her head
>Angelface, who had happened to be checking out my class, saw the situation unfold and made eye contact with me as my anger continued to boil
>She offered me a smile, giggled, and floated off to the next class
>Now any regular human being would think "oh gnarly, you got a stoner gf!" BUT NO YOU FUCKS
>THIS BITCH, between her bouts of not being there mentally and when she is there, acting like a child, left me no choice
>I pull out my "to do" list and scratch off Bonnie's name
>Im sorry my sweet Bonnie, but I refuse to mash your potato
>ugh 2 options left: J and angelface
>my harem has just turned into a one sided love triangle
End ch.2

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>Now with Bonnie out of the picture, I was left with more time to focus on J and angelface
>Honestly, angelface might as well be a shiny pokemon with how often I see her
>And as I came to find out, just like a shiny pokemon, this celestial creature was just as coveted
>Literally every dude at the camp, including me, was trying to smash, starting with dick ryder
>he had way more chances to flirt with her since he can just follow behind her as she floated around doing her job
>But this greasy haired cockazoid would not come to best, not yet
>buuuuuut even if he did, I still had J to focus on
>since we were both staff, we often ate lunch together, talked when she would come to my class, it kinda seemed like everything was going pretty well
>until Cock ryder caught wind of what I was trying to do
>this tall handsome rat came up to me one day, snickering like anime arch rivals do, looking as if he had something to tell me
>"Hey user!"
>His smile gave away just how much he was enjoying this
>"Whats up, Flynn?"
>"I heard you've been trying to talk up to J"
>"uhhhh yeah, why?"
>"well I SUGGEST you give that up, she's in a relationship!"
>the bastard almost burst out laughing
>"oh, thanks for letting me know"
>I was a bit discouraged at first, but again, my blind self-esteem would not allow me to stop
>Even in soccer, theres a goalie to stop you from scoring. This is just a new challenge
>is what I told myself until.....
>One day, me and some of the other staffers are sitting around, eating lunch, making imaginary bets on which kids would win in a fight against one another. Sans J, she hadn't gotten there yet
>J rushes into the lunchroom exctitedly, phone in hand, making a b-line straight towards us
>one of the other staffers was the first to as
>"J, you sure look excited, whats up?"
>"My GIRLFRIEND just sent me a screenshot of her flight ticket. She's coming down to see me!"
>oh fuck nah, this bitch fucks with girls

bump 4 moar

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>this isn't a sick-kun story, im not gonna spend 10 years of my life trying to turn over a lesbian
>my hand flopped to my side, defeated, as it reached into my pocket and pulled out my "to-do" list
>as J continued gushing on about how hot her most likely mannish looking gf is, I sloppily scratched off her name
>Angelface giggles at me again in her peripheral, as if my constant defeat entertains her
>My harem has crumbled beneath my fingers
>but theres still one
>the most elusive, most attractive, least likely to get with me
>Now gentlemen is where the story starts
>No more harem, we're going to catch a sexy, white whale
>or atleast try
>end ch.3

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>At this point, I was a bit defeated by most of my prospects not working out, and knowing how out of my league Angelface, I had kind of settled on the idea of not fucking anyone at my job
>Which was fine, it kind of let the obssessive idea of "SEX SEX SEX", take a bit of a backseat to my job
>I shit on these kids a lot, but honestly, this was one of the first jobs where I honestly felt happy to go to work
>Why not just focus on doing well at my job?
>Most of the gremlins like me anyways
>so I kind of settled on that idea
>I'm talking one day with my coworker Jack
>He's this 16 year old younger kid, real funny, real cool guy
>He's asking me tips on how to pick up girls
>"Look jack, you just gotta be confident. I'm self conscious as hell, but If i'm going to ask a girl for her number, I pretend like i've the situation before. Casual, calm, and not overly aggro"
>"user, you make it sound easy, but I doubt you're really like that when you talk to girls"
>"okay, jack, follow me"

keep on bumping

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>Now the spirit of pride that overcame my words and wouldn't let the situation die down made a huge decision for me: I NEED TO FIND THE HOTTEST CHICK AROUND AND GET HER NUMBER
>Jack, in tow, follows me as I walk around the school looking for the nearest hot chick
>At this point, I would've even settled for J or Bonnie
>But fate had something else in mind
>We turn a corner and you'll never guess whose floating there, looking like she's about to make a miracle happen
>I approach...confident, but slow...like a cautious cheetah, knowing this prey might be something I cant take down
>"Hey angelface, whats up?"
>"Oh hey user, I was just looking for you" she said, smile on her face
>"Wait really?"
>"Yeah, i dont know what you're doing right, but these kids love you. Some of them said that they love that you make fun of them"
>"Wait, are you serious?"
>"yes user! I wanted to congratulate you, good job"
>"Oh ummm....thanks?"
>fuck fuck fuck
>my confidence is draining by the surprise of a compliment, and Jack is noticing

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>"Oh well, Angelface, I actually was looking for you. I wanted to ask you something"
>"Oh, ask me anything user" she said, smile still decorating her face
>"Well, I wanted to holla at you, but youve been impossible to get a hold of since you're always floating around. How about I get your number so we can talk a bit more?"
>she's absolutely taken aback, not expecting this at all
>my face, noticing this, reads" cool and calm", but I'm literally having a fucking panic attack behind my eyes
>My body, as if possessed, immediately starts reaching for my phone
>its pulled out and now in her hand
>she starts giggling again
>"sure user" flashing that smile again
>As she's punching in her number into my phone, I look at Jack and give him a few eyebrow raises
>"Here you go, user. Now don't text me too fast" she says with a wink
>okay break time: at the time, I was completely oblivious to all these flirting tactics she was hitting me with. in hindsight, it was obvious as hell she was interested. but back to the story
>I get my phone back, say something along the lines of "let me get back to punching these kids" and walk off, Jack still highlighting my character model with "follow" on
>We get back to the courts, I tell him I have to go take a piss, still keeping up the facade of exuding confidence
>I go to the bathroom, get in the stall
>and it all hits me at once
>I just got Angelface's fucking number through stupidity
>I proceed to do cartwheels
>this is just the start gentlemen
>I go home and proceed to text her too soon
End ch.4

Bump the thread

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Fuck you OP, keep on

is angelface gonna be one of the photos or what

Alright, so new chapters dropping. Feedback pls

>Me and angelface are texting each other on the regular, but its still relatively friendly
>I guess she sees im interested but is unwilling to meet me on a human plane yet
>but still, im getting to know her
>Later on that week our bosses(the people in charge of the program) show up to see how everything is going
>The school hasn't set ablaze
>They give us the thumbs up
>We have one more staff meeting that morning, basically letting us know that our camp directors have to take down some important info on us
>Angelface is in charge of mine
>We schedule to do it after lunch
>Still morning time and before classes start, all the staff typically shoot the breeze at our breakfast table
>Somehow manbuns get brought up, and angelface mentions how cute she thinks they are on guys
>*Important note added to inventory*

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Could be, knowing my past history, i'll atleast post something similar

>At this point, I was growing out my naturally curly hair, but would keep the sides and backshaved
>In hindsight, I have no idea what my endgoal was, but I looked like the nickname that would stick with me all summer:
>"Palm Tree"
>My hair was definitely NOT at any length to be put in a manbun, but I was determined to make that happen
> Around 11 am, I have Bonnie's class which mean's Bonnie's high as fuck self is sitting around doing nothing

>"Yeah, what's up user?"
>"I want you to do my hair, work it into a manbun"
>Bonnie, our sleepy, big tiddied giant, awakens for the first time
>Her eyes perking up, she says "Are you serious, user?! omg, give me a sec"
>Again, my hair was at a length where it doesnt belong in a manbun, but it fascinated women to try and do me up and play with it
>well go into detail about playing with it later
>Bonnie steps off to the bathroom and magically comes back with a bottle of water and hair product
>She proceeds to dump the water on my hair and starts working in the product
>Im in absolute fucking pain, because again, shes running her fingers through curls and yanking

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>Even with my hair fighting at first, it begins to comply...her drenched fingers begin moistening through every curl, one by one
>Being careful, she lets the product reach my roots, and starts to slowly massage it in, every bit of her finger covering the base...
>What started out as painful begins to feel good
>My hair becomes slick from what she added, but her fingers haven't stopped moving...lathering every last bit
>"This feels amazing"
>She smiles and whispers in my ear
>"Stay still for me okay?"
>I'm helpless to her touch
>She rinses her hands one more time before grasping my hair, wet and dripping from her movements
>She starts to pull every last strand and works them into a mound in the middle of my head
>Her fingers wont stop running through my scalp and the feeling is incredible
>Like for real, if you have longer hair, have a girl play with your roots
>She's running her fingers faster and faster
>The pleasure is making me lose it

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>Finally...She pulls them all at once, making me gasp, and she ties it together with a hairband I hadn't noticed she had on her wrist
>"There, user! we're done!
>I'm gasping for my breath...
>...but I can only imagine how amazing my manbun must look after all that
>I jet off to the bathroom to see in mirror, the pure magnificence that must be me...in a manbun
>All I see is a tiny plant sprout of hair emerging from the middle of my head
>All that work, all that effort...and I see this
>I look like Pebble's from The Flintstones
>A tear rolls down my eye as I whisper
>"It's perfect"
>My confidence is now palpable
>I'm ready for Angelface's and my first one on one
End Ch.5

Alright, gonna need some of you lurkers to bump or else threads gonna 404 before the next 2 chapters

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Bruh no. It's good shit

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Bump bump bump

>My appointment with Angelface is immediately after lunch
>But Angelface decided to go out to lunch with her bestfriend(another staff member)
>Actually, I'll introduce her bestfriend because depending how deep we go into this story, she may be important
>Let's rejer to bestfriend as CJ
>CJ is Angelface's close friend and one of the other staff members, but openly talked about her boyfriend since the beginning of the story, hence her lack of an introduction
>(She wasn't on the radar)
>Moving On...
>Flynn Ryder, Jack, and the other dude staff members are shitting on my..."manbun"
>"I did it cuz Angelface thinks manbuns are hot"
>They meditate on this
>"You're fucking stupid"
>"You guys just wait, it'll work"
>They laugh and we proceed to talk about whatever video game was popular at the time

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lmao thanks, well 6 is the longest chapter of the story so lmk what you think

keep going it's fucking good so far

>As we continue to talk about the profitable future of Konami at this time, lunch is about 15 minutes from ending
>Angelface and CJ walk-in, Angelface holding a bunch of envolopes that I can only assume contain our interview papers
>I see Angelface, but she doesnt see me. I obviously don't wanna get caught starring, so I add a random comment to the conversation with the guys that seems like I've been involved, when I wasn't
>"Now that's a BIG BOSS haha"
>Angelface and CJ make their way over and I see Angelface make eyecontact with the seed sprouting out of my head
>Not knowing her too well, I can't read her expression at all, but something has definitely shifted since she saw it
>Again, my confidence takes control...
>I walk up to her before she makes it to me
>"Hey Angelface, if you wanna, we can start with our little info thing now"
>"haha, sure user, I don't have much else to do so why not?"
>lolwut, kinda wasn't expecting that
>compose myself, and we walk off to a table on the farside of the room
>My ridiculous manbun still intact, yet her attention still not pulled off me
>We sit across from each other
>The little interview starts, and its basically that
>An interview, to gain some private info that I'm guessing the higher ups have had people lie about in the past, so they have the Directors start them for the employees
>Even though it seems professional at the start, since I've gotten a bit more comfortable, I joke and flirt with Angelface throughout...

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el bumperino

>And she's joking and flirting back
>As the interview progresses, I feel less like I'm trying around her, and more so like things are just happening naturally and going well
>Which is a good sign...the bravado im putting up is kind of being lowered
>As we finish up the interview, my heart all full and gay from the conversation, Angelface asks me something I wasn't expecting
>"user, if you're free this afternoon, do you want to come with me so I can turn this paperwork in?"
>"Yeah, of course"
>The day goes by as normal
>I make the kids run a few more miles for making fun of my hair and to kill some time
>Finally the day comes to an end and as the last of the kids get picked up, I meet up with Angelface
>"Hey Angelface"
>"Hey user", she says with a slight smile
>"So user, just follow me. I need to turn these papers in straight to the Head of the program, and apparently they need a witness. So, I guess its too late to ask this but: you wan't to be my witness?"
>I'm sure theres a corny meme hidden in there somewhere, but I reply the obvious "Yeah" as I pull off my ridiculous manbun and prepare myself for our quest
>So we make our way to (as a novice in this company would assume is) the final boss of our work structure
>We pull up into a dingy house that is occupied by 4 members of the "elite four"

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sauce on pic?

some fan art of wendy from Gravity Falls, no idea who original artist is

Yeah after it became clear that this story only reveals around "angelface" whom I know you think of a real name & face irl,
this shit is whack.
You lost me after you dropped the high big tiddy gf or at least titfuck material. It's like you don't even want to keep the reader at all, not ever giving little rewards 4 sticking by from time to time.

Also sounds like your simping pretty hard after the angelface.
You sound like a little cuck soyboy that lives out fantasies in his head which he'll never act on.

>It looks like a hoarder's house on the inside
>But looks are beyond deceiving, as our bosses appear out of nowhere
>They start with casual conversation, but immediately start grilling us on day to day workings
>But we understand we must drop off these documents before we quit
>Our first boss is a middle aged woman with way more energy than necessary.
>Boss 1: "So Angelface, how is the day to day stuff going?!"
>Angelface: "They're going fine. No insurance problems. That's why I brought along user, who'se in charge of the physical fitness, which you know is a big insurance risk"
>Boss 1: "So user, you tell me, how're the kids treating you?! is it going well?! any problems ?!"
>Me:"Uhh no not at all. I've gotten great report with the kids and we've had no injuries"
>Boss 1 scopes the field for any frail hints of lies...but cannot find any
>Boss 1:" Alright kids, i'll be back to work"
>Boss 1 preceeds to melt into the floor
>The fuck?

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lol fair enough, buttttt

every character gets their arc, so I need to set up a story that makes sense. Otherwise, I get criticized of jumping around too much.

>We etch our way through skyscrapers of towering boxes, which I can only assume are filled with badly managed tax reports
>We make our way through a maze of cardboard, each post seemingly leading into deadends of past staff reports
>But we continue to press our way on
>We make it to a center room, which seems like at one point was used as a place where these higher Bosses ate at. A "Dinner table" so to speak
>Before we encounter our next challenge
>A 50 year old, short, manlet of a person slithers his way around the legs of the table towards Angelface before I can react
>Boss 2:"My dear...how're you doing? I hope there'sssssss no lack of materialsssssss going on at my camp"
>Angelface makes the mistake of making eye contact with serpentine sachem. She begins to turn to stone, not knowing of what our camp is lacking
>The moment I see this creepy ass fuck ask her, I make my counter attack
>Me:"Yeah, we're not lacking anything right now. I've made sure with the other teachers that we have what we need for now"
>An obvious lie
>But I needed to save Angelface and defeat this slightler larger, gross, pervy gremlin
>Boss 2:"Oh user, you fail me...I'm sure the classroom teacher's are lacking supplies...or are they not, you faggot?"
>Wtf, how would I know?
>Did he just call me a faggot?

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