Honest thoughts

honest thoughts

please be brutally honest

rating out of 10


Attached: received_253628395679857.jpg (1737x2724, 533.61K)

Unpleasant looking but has a nice ass i would put my dick in it but a bleaching wouldn't kill her


thank you for rating and giving your opinion.

Needs a thorough wash and shave. Send pic afterwards for re-ratings.

thank you for inspecting.


please inspect, im sorry its so fat and has toilet paper still attached. please INSPECT and give your honest opinion.

Not hairy enough. Stop shaving. Ass... looks okay but need to see from more angles. Also show tits.

2/10 kinda gross

please be more descriptive. what do u all hate about it?

5/10 looks too used. I'll give $100 for a night.

Wash/bleach/shave bend over more like a slut and I would give it an 8. Right now 5. Would still fuck either way

>please be brutally honest

I think it's related to homo sapiens somehow.

probably spending too much


im about to post a video of cumming. just compressing it because it was too big. gimme one sec.

hahaha. just related.


it needs something much larger shoved in its pussy, champagne bottle? celery? it might improve it's appearance, I await the changes?

please inspect the video and tell me what u like and dislike.

easily a 0/0 would rather take a long walk off a shot cliff than hit those cheeks

Attached: stop.jpg (480x477, 41.63K)

thank you for commenting, anything else?

also did u see the video?

Sorry for being a phone fag, but all I have. Anyway, where are u guys from roughly?? looks so similar to my favorite pussy, might trade oc pics I took

Looks like a decent ride. I'd fuck the pussy with an option on the ass. 6/10

not saying, but intrigued by this similar looking pussy, please post.

dont forget the video

8/10 if its shaved its prrety much bangable id eat that too

The video is very damp. Thank you.
I'd like to inspect myself but unfortunately I can't be there. Can you please tell me what your pussy smells and tastes like right now?

Lemme go dig a few up. Gimme few min. U got more to keep posting with me?

Everyone saying this is in any way acceptable is a thirsty ass lonely virgin.

1/10 gross and dirty and hairy and blown the fuck out. Wouldn't bang. Gross.

Honestly, lose weight and you'll fix 90% of the issues in this picture.

ugh it's worse than I thought. I changed my mind, it's a 2/10. I'll give you $10 for a night of breeding and pissing on you.

Eh, just shave, wash, and scedual a bleacking or somethin...
Id still tear that ass up though



Nice shape on the ass, pussy looks like its been through it though. No real need to shave, would befriend and pump full of hot batter a few nights a week. If you're from CT give me a call, sometime. 6-7/10