Corona has more deaths then survivals. Infact...

Corona has more deaths then survivals. Infact, most of the people on the internet and in videos are lying if they claim they survived it. These people are either trolls to try to make you think Corona ISN’T the deadliest virus humanity has ever faced or actors paid by right wing Trump scum to downplay the disease. The truth is survival is almost impossible and those who truly survive will have to be hospitalized their whole life. This is why I support a five year or more quarantine. We need to keep people safe from this awful plague.

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Where are you getting your stats? The CDC is showing the opposite of what you claim. In fact, it has around a 7% mortality rate overall. Mostly 60+ of age.


Those are fucking lies. Please check non political fueled stats.

I survived it. From New Rochelle, NY. Contracted it from the Lil Mexican Cafe restaurant. The owner has died and his son is in a coma. Lost my taste and smell on the 23rd. Small 99.9 fever. Extreme congestion. Still no taste or smell but I'm recovered.

Fake news

21% of resolved cases were deaths

bullshit corona is just a cold virus. idiots. look it up. coronaviruses have always been around.

but if they simply imply and say and rumor that it is deadly, and exaggerate and mislead, many people just go along with it, not able to comprehend they are being scammed.

these are like the people that get conned by african princes. coronavirus is just another scam on a gullible, semi-retarded public. think about it.

Thank you. Like I said, this disease or the most deadliest thing we’ve ever faced. We need a 5 year or more quarantine.

No it’s fucking not, you dumbass. If you did research you’d know it’s far worse then any flu or cold.

You know there’s different strains of the corona virus right? You can’t compare this one to others

You said it had more deaths than survivals, I was correcting you. 21% isn’t 51%, but it’s still an alarming number and I agree it’s nothing to scoff at

Yeah, stats show a 6.4% mortality rate. So I ask again OP, where you getting your info? All I find is the same numbers, give it take, from multiple sources. Is it a conspiracy? Only you see the truth. Maybe it's the culmination of 5G?

I have never had a flu shot in my entire life. How fucked am i

As fucked as everyone else because that flu shot doesn’t protect you against this flu or it wouldn’t be as big a problem as it is, this is a brand new flu with no vaccine

Quads of truth! This is nothing to scoff at at all... Hell, during the leprosy out brake Hawaii had a 100 year quarantine, FFS. So why the fuck can’t we have a quarantine that 5 years or more? People are in fucking danger, we’re literally experiencing something akin to the Black Plague or worse.

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And this one is the deadliest.

Seriously, there will never be a vaccine bc it’s just too fucking deadly.


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6.4% mortality rate but it’s alarming that thus far 21% of resolved cases are deaths. That 6.4 is part of the entire population that has it, but in terms of outcomes it’s worse.

I'm in Washington. Thurston County. 70,000 pop. 83 cases, 1 death. I don't personally don't see why the freak out.

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Well if you know anything about economics you’d know that being in a state of quarantine for even 6 months is really going to hurt the economy. 5 years and you might as well kill yourself

Stop shilling you fucking faggot. How much are (((they))) paying you to lie? I tested positive for COVID-19 a few weeks ago. They kept me quarantined in the hospital but al I ever had was a dry cough and lethargy with a medium fever.

You can’t look at a pandemic on a small scale, the issue isn’t that each town only has a few deaths. The issue is that it’s in every town, and it can kill people.

>there will never be a vaccine bc it’s just too fucking deadly
stopped reading there, it's very clear you have no idea what you're talking about

Yum, yum! suck Trump’s tiny lying peepee right up there.

It’s the worst disease humanity has ever faced, and these idiot Trumpfags are outnumbered in thinking it’s not. If you catch it, you’re more likely to die then live. Like I said, this is possibly worse then the Black Plague and literally everyone on Yas Forums who doesn’t worship trump agrees. We need a 5 year or longer quarantine. Corona could possibly be the end of humanity as a whole, it’s so deadly.


>black plague

That wiped out half the population on the entire earth. This isn't even close. Comparing the two shows a major lack of education and is an irresponsible statement.

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Scientists have already made several statements about how every case varies in severity. You are more lucky than some


Every single person who gets it dies and survival if fucking rare. It’s literally worse then the fucking Black Plague. Corona will possibly be humanities downfall!

Ok now I think you’re trolling lol

This, Trumptards BTFO. Corona is literally end of humanity worthy and no one is taking it seriously.

Fuck yeah they very in severity, just like every other fucking virus that's ever existed. Are you people really this brainwashed? I'd call you sheep but that'd be an insult to sheep everywhere.

Like I said mostly every single person who gets it dies. This guy is probably a liar like most “survivors”


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Do your fucking research. There are currently more deaths then survivals, this virus has been proven to be one of the worst out there.

Not lying, look at coronamap washington state. Breaks it down by counties. You're a dumbass.

I think corona isn't a big deal. Most ppl survive. This thread is retarded. All you mask wearing, cough shrilling, corona peddling bitches just hide in your mom's homes with your toilet paper and porn. Leave us real ppl to keep the world moving as we are currently doing. Fuck off.

You’re getting innocent people sick as you go along.

Those are the people that go to the hospital for it retard, do you know how many people have had it and never been tested?