Zoo Discussion Thread with Feral yiff instead of real pics because real pics get ya beaned

Zoo Discussion Thread with Feral yiff instead of real pics because real pics get ya beaned

I really love animals and just want to talk about them, so hop in if this sounds like your type of thing (btw male dogs are superior)

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post more than one image

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how do you get a dog with no exp to mount

Why is fisting a mare so pleasing?


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Nah, the images aren't imporntant, if someone wants to see feral pics they can just get them from e621, the discussion and being able to chat with other zoo bros is what's cool

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What breed is he? Is he an inside or outside dog? Is he pretty timid or more outgoing? Have you already tried?

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post real everyone, catch the hammer for me

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I think it has to do with how easy it is to tell she likes it. You can tell by her body movements and how she's backing into you and clamping down hard af, and you can tell by her winking and looking back at you that she was really enjoying it. The smell, the sounds, the feeling, and the affection you get from her is fucking amazing

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GSD,more inside,and a little

How old is he?

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11 months bout to be a year

I'm here for the pics. I don't care about how your dog and your neighbor's dog took turns fucking you.

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still a mammal i suppose.

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Lol not saying the pics aren't great, just saying don't be surprised when you're the only one spamming them

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That's a little young, about a year and a half is when he's most ready. If you do it too early he might get confused and not like being sexual. One thing that can happen for example is this:
You start playing with him, he gets hard, he gets hard way too fast and his knot starts to grow in his sheath which is painful for a normal dog, but a younger dog that doesn't have his sheath fully grown that can be very painful, so then he associates getting sexy with pain, and he no longer wants to do anything like that and in fact will get aggressive over it.

Doesn't happen all the time, but happens sometimes. I would wait until after summer to start doing stuff with him. Of course, it's all up to you, but that's just my advice

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how do people fuck male dogs? dog shit smells awful. ive considered female before, but a dog's asshole is a bit much. any reasoning to why not a female dogs?

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I personally don't do give dogs anal and don't think it's right to. I think anything you have to train the good boi or good girl to do is wrong, and you have to train them to accept anal.

Me receiving it on the other hand? Hell fucking you I love getting the motherfuckin' knot bro

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*Hell fucking yeah

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i wanted to fuck bitch or a mare for so long bc i'm sure it feels heavenly, i just dont know how i'd do so without hurting her. plus there's no good content out there of it to jerk off to.

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six posters, half a dozen deviants

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>plus there's no good content out there of it to jerk off to.

This nigga hasn't even found the goldmines yet lol

In seriousness, with a large breed dog (80lbs+) or a mare the only thing you have to worry about is her wanting it. Especially with a mare, you're not gonna hurt her, if anything she'll hurt you from kicking you because she doesn't like you

The best way to be with a mare is to work with them. Either own them or go work at a riding/boarding ranch like I do, get to know them, wait until she goes into heat, then she if she'll accept you. If she does, it'll be bond like you've never had before with any animal

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every video i find looks like a Hypercam Registered mosiac, with abt the audio quality of a telegraph.

i'll be sure to do more research into ittho, id love that fucking experience

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Sadly I can't tell you where the main place to go is, I've just said the name before and got beaned. All I can tell you is to use tor, use duckduckgo (the default for tor) and just search for what you're looking for in basic terms. Think video titles

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I can't decide between getting a good boi or a good girl. Both are equally great. What do you anons prefer?