Can't believe hockey is cancelled because some Chinaman ate bat soup and the CCP kept it a secret

Can't believe hockey is cancelled because some Chinaman ate bat soup and the CCP kept it a secret.

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Dude, Chinaman is NOT the preferred nomenclature.

Sorry. Slant eyed rice-aholic.

Yea man looks like they might be closing down the company my father is working at pretty wild stuff

I can't find a job right now. I'm supposed to be on a co-op term for school and nobody is hiring.

And right when The Stars were making a Stanley Cup run too. At least i got NHL 20

For me it's just prolonging the pain of yet another dismal Habs season.

Bettman is really ambitious about completing the season, even as an August start.

As a Leaf fan I feel your pain.

if only i could watch my sabres lose one more game :(. it's okay now they're playing games from when they didn't abysmally suck.

Dallas had a real chance this year, yeah they started sluggishly but after firing Montgomery they started to surge

Man... I’m no Sabre fan but Ristolainen is one of my favourite current players..

The last time the Sablels were good was when they lost to Dallas

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Yeah my team lost to a 42-year-old Zamboni driver. Enough said.

People squawked about Babcock but that was long after he left. The team isn’t there yet..

risto is one of the few good things we have, him, a few other players, rick jeanerette, and the ravid fans.

i mean you're not wrong

That shit was amazing

Yeah the Buffalo fans are definitely something else.

Laughing stock of hockey... I was screaming at the television that it was unfair to Carolina and then they still beat the leafs. I almost burned my jersey that night.

not beyond degenerate like bills fans but passionate to say the least.

Hi Gary


Can't believe Trump fucked up this bad, it should be impossible for one man to be so retarded

So tired of all the various Sportsnet channels repeating THE SAME FIVE GAMES over and over and over for the last 3 weeks. Fuckn ASSHOLES how about some different fucking games and something other than playoff series for fuck sakes. Thank FUCK there are like 5000 full CFL games on jootoob or I'd STAB SOMEBODY RIGHT IN THE FUCKING FACE

Maybe if the WHO had listened to Taiwan about human to human transmission in December the world wouldn’t be so fucked up but they’re too busy suckling China’s penis

>front office fires gallant
>replaces him I’m with ol’ Pete
>Man this year sure is weird.
Take me back to when I thought that was the most wild shit that could happen this season.

Lol sounds like you are too busy sucking orange retard cock. Oh well guess you and Stormy Daniels have something in common to gossip about if you ever meet

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Dude is a sperg but I’d you’re gonna blatantly ignore the fact that it happened you’re just as retarded as Cheto bro. Look it up faggot.

We could have had nhl, MLB, and nba. We just need large scale testing. Trumps too incompetent to solve this. So we're all going for a long shitty ride. All the while trump bots and trump cultists defends the man's obvious incompetence. Grand times.

Yeah, I miss hockey so much. First round of the playoffs is maybe my favourite time of the year. Multiple meaningful games every night for two weeks.

I don’t think they’re going to do a lay-off this year, which I kinda don’t mind. Because it’s all fucked up, so just never mind. I’m actually starting to worry about next season.

If they do have playoffs, I think Calgary is going to be a team to watch. Once they get rested up and healthy, I think they’re a contending team.