Ask an infamous Introvert anything

ask an infamous Introvert anything.

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why are you black


Why are you balck ?

to look cool in a vintage Cadillac.
no. also, nice Satan trips.

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Why are you dirty?

wdym? that's just my skin. unless you're talking about the black spots on my chin, that's my poor excuse for facial hair.

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how many bikes have you stolen today yet?

Did you like Godzilla: King of the Monsters (2019)?

Why havent you killed yourself.


mad thadd?

who are you?

I haven't seen it yet, I haven't watched many movies these past few years.
because I'm still not depressed, or suicidal in the slightest.

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Fuck off Poe

what is it that motivates you to make so many of these threads?

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As a nignog, who are some of your negro heroes?

i can see by those posters and your skin color , why you relate to this image

because I'm kinda obsessed with this format tbh. it's the most fun I've had being social.

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are black people chemically able to become depressed or have they not evolved for that?

you said you were infamous meaning you expected people to know you so who are you

You may want to get yourself checked for retardation

Nigga Are you me ?

How do you get any social anxiety by any chance

do black people get anxious in general?

are niggers depressed?

who are your top 3 favourite historical figures?

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I actually don't relate to that image at all, I just posted it because I also like tomboys.
they absolutely can, I had a case of depression late last year.
I've been making threads here for months, and that's why I'm a little infamous.
idk what you mean by getting social anxiety, but whenever I'm in a position where I have to talk to people, I start to clam up, and try to avoid the situation.

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ok interesting. do you feel like black men who are 'depressed' feel like the black community would see them as weak for coming out and not being black enough?

aka acting like they are evolved enough to feel depression like white people?

Stop attention whoring for [YOUs] faggot

Holy shit mal,

I do

>idk what you mean by getting social anxiety, but whenever I'm in a position where I have to talk to people, I start to clam up, and try to avoid the situation.

Basically this. For me I over think if what that people thinks of me and how I say and my body language and get nervous. Usually around other Black people I get nervous around them especially the Black chicks when they have an attitude. For White people, I can get along.

>I also like tomboys.
Well you have taste at least.

>Usually around other Black people I get nervous around them especially the Black chicks when they have an attitude
They project a boisterous aggression that nearly everyone finds unsettling.