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>however anything that's going wrong that's up to the Governors it's out of my hands

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however,republicans are just fine with it.unlike when obama was president

imagine a state that still has trump voters in it

Weren't you fucking idiots JUST complaining Trump wasn't shutting everything down on a national level? Now you're upset because he said he could open it all up if he wanted too? So which one is it, do you want the states to figure it out themselves or not? Because you retards bitch no matter what he says.

When you have retarded dems running the city or state into the ground theres only so much standing by you can do before an adult needs to step in and handle things.

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> Haha yes I completely agree fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.

The president still has a lot of influence, especially over GOP leadership. If he says he wants to keep things open, then the rank and file is going to fall in line. He doesn't have the authority to force them to shut down or keep open. You're naive as fuck if you think he doesn't have that kind of influence though, and there's a huge difference between calling for governors to stay open/shut down and saying he has total authority to force them to do anything.

Who the fuck cares about "influence"? This ain't fucking high school football. As if what he can or cannot do I have no clue, and either does anyone here because we are not experts on the fucking constitution. That is irrelevant though. My point is you fucking people were complaining Trump wasn't shutting everything in the country down on a national level. Now you are fucking complaining he said he can force it to open if he wants. So do you fucking want the states to decide for themselves on want to do or do you not? You cannot fucking have it both ways.

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>people complained that he did not act to shut the country down on a national level
>so they shouldn't complain if he attempts to force states to reopen
So Dems are declaring outright war now. Starts at 1:45 the governor of California just said he is going to give tax payer money to invaders.

He says when to reopen the economy, he's a big boy and has big boy hands. trumpy gets what saudi wants, cause we touchied the globe. Now lets talk about that stonk market.

The complaints were about him blatantly downplaying the threat, not so much about him failing to use authority to shut things down.

You have a very loose definition of war don't you...

The commander in chief, really!

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He's literally handing our countries resources to invaders. Trump needs to stop this guy immediately.



They have a 40 Billions dollar rainy day fund because its a well run state. So WGAF what they do with their tax dollars? Trump is the real enemy, buying ventilators and making money off of selling them to the states! How do you repubs defend that?

Immigrant doesn't mean illegal

He's giving literal invaders money you cuck

Did you miss the part where he said undocumented? Undocumented means illegal which is code for invader.

Well run state? They're an illegal tax haven for tech companies.

You ever see a little kid about 2-3 years old when they first learn the word "no?" That's how they act. That's not authority, that's a tantrum. This traitor and all of his followers hate Americans. They will kill hundreds of thousands to try to prove a point. When the point proves to be wrong and economy shuts down for real he will try to shift the blame.

why doesn't trump have them arrested?

better then your state i'd guess, go ahead name it, alabama im guessing?

Aren't Americans supposed to oppose those who would act like Kings? Isn't that the whole point of you arming yourselves? So you never again have to bow down to someone's complete authority? I don't get it. All that talk about never ever accepting a King and here we are, everyone bending over, spreading their cheeks, waiting for King Trump to ram them.

Not if it comes from their guy, then its just the other side being whiny babies.

Perhaps they should google the concept of "monarch". Could be... Helpful.

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I love how in the first week everyone is like "WOOHOO!! FREEDOM!" and then the second week when people found out about Trump Bucks "WOOHOO!! TRUMP BUCKS"... 2-3 weeks later; "WE LIVE IN THE MOST AUTHORITARIAN COUNTRY EVER! MUH RIGHTS!"

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The three stages of socialism in a nutshell.

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