Will this fat fuck ever face punishment for his mishandling of the outbreak?

Will this fat fuck ever face punishment for his mishandling of the outbreak?

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> Haha yes I completely agree fellow #Resister. Orange Man is truly bad.

Seethe, you commie cocksucker.

Better than sucking Trump's cock.

> So in hindsight some decisions may have been wrong so lets vote in demented sleepy Joe, he would have clearly been better at it.

Whatever, beta male commie faggot.
Go check someone's privilege, ok ?

This fucking bot again. Give it a rest already.

Trump is a dickless wimp

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No, because despite the rest of the world standing jaws agape wondering what the fuck is going on, Americans genuinely like him, and want him in power.

Yet he's the most powerful person on the planet.
Seethe you fucking socialist piece of shit.

And the world is laughing at him. He's the most hated person on the planet. What's so wrong with socialism you capitalist pigs ran out of toilet paper HAHAHAHA

id rather run out of toilet paper once then everything forever

This. What the fuck is going on over there

>And the world is laughing at him
And we don't care.
>What's so wrong with socialism you capitalist pigs
Knew you were a commie. :)
Former Eastern Bloc slav, or something else ?

stfu you irrelevant foreigner

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FO Trumptard

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I'm American you fools. You mock Eastern countries yet they're rising and you're failing. It's hilarious.

Yes, Allah will hold this orange make up wearing boy lover accountable


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I am by no means a Drumpf MAGApeed Nigger and wish Yas Forums could rid its self of the Reddit infestation but how is the outbreak his fault? He's done better than France, Italy, and Iran did with their pandemic. Also for once I agree we need to stop funding the W.H.O. which is corrupt and to busy kissing the ass of the Peoples Republic of China to do their fucking job and warn people and Tedros Adhanom is especially guilty of this and should be fired.

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Da comrade

JFL, imagine being such a self hating bastard

>I'm American
>You mock
>they're rising
>you're failing
No, you are not American.

>this fat fuck
All I see is an ugly statue someone spent WAY too much time making.

Go back to Minsk

Praise Muhummad

I'd like him to face consequences for all the small contractors hes signed contracts with and then fucked over like a true slimeball cause of Daddys money

Remember when fat shaming was a huge thing and a bunch of leftists were claiming to be victims off it and then Trump became the president and the left set the whole fat shaming thing aside?

Biden for President, trump for jail 2020

This should be Trump's punishment. Paraded naked in the streets of Tehran and Beijing. The whole world will share a laugh.

Lmao dis nigga mad cuz he got TDS

No I dont remember fat shaming being a 'huge thing' making fun of the fatties has always been funny

>b-but the left...

Fucking retard

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With no spray tan

Because he got the warning on Jan. 3rd and didnt do shit about it. South Korea did and they have like 200 cases in the whole country because of it

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