Have you ever injured someone? How badly? Why'd you do it?

Have you ever injured someone? How badly? Why'd you do it?

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PENI member, injured a few people, worst I ever did was breaking a guy's legs with a baseball bat.

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Why'd you break his leg?

he stole a car from one of our brothers

Shot a guy in the arm while and bc he was trying to shoot me.

is there a lot of that in the gang life ?

When we were middle-schoolers, me and my friend Kendall Graveman were roughhousing after church one Sunday and I almost broke his arm I think.
I still feel pretty bad about it to this day and definitely not because he's making millions of dollars in the major leagues while I hate my stupid government job...

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Yeah we have to sort things out ourselves because calling the police is out of question for obvious reasons

I think it should be like that for everyone. I don't like some fucks in uniform showing up and telling what I can and can't do, then having to rely on them for protection.

Jesus, just look at this faggot. Why are you hiding?

makes things a lot easier that's for sure
>Why are you hiding?
only showing the tat that is relevant

I guess the knock-off watch is also relevant?

broke a kids arm an accident rough housing on the play ground. We all were jumping and throwing backpacks at each other to knock each other down. I was a dork with a roller backpack with a metal handle bar that broke his fall. I never got in trouble, kid try to fight me after he healed and just got suspended. Poor fuck prob lost so much schooling I think he dropped out.

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for you

Not sure if it counts but in the fourth grade I threw a rock that bounced off a kid's head. Didn't actually mean to hit anyone. We were all throwing pine cones, and I just picked up a rock and chunked it a long distance without thinking. He was okay. It just scratched his skin and made him bleed, but most likely it left a scar.

Ur fucking kidding, right? His brother Kyle was a classmate of mine.

When I was 21 I was a a bar with a roof top area you could smoke at. It was only 2 maybe 3 stories up but a pushed a plant off the ledge in one of those brown clay pots....hit some faggot down below at a table right square on the head. Turns out the dude is legit retarded now.

Feels bad man

Magic 8 ball says try again

what lawless shithole do you live in that you're able to get away with that

real life is scary

Back in the day around 16 or 17 me and the boys where wrestling on a porch, I power bombed tim of the top step not meaning to actually land him on the side walk...straight up knocked him out cold. I thought he was dead. I almost started to cry. Dude woke up about a min later and was fucked up bad.

Dgaf about you's. Just calling you out.

Venice Beach. I didn’t get caught. But the bar got a lawsuit I heard

In the 3rd grade I got into fight with a kid who loved to annoy me more than anyone else in class. We got into a shoving match at recess one day and I pushed him down some stone steps and his back and hands got scraped. I remember apologizing to him because the teachers made me but I dont remember getting in anymore trouble than that. Haven't hurt anyone else physically since really

it's too bad the other woman didnt give her an upper cut under the jaw, her teeth would have cut her lips right off

congrats, you called me out on Yas Forums

Many times. Used weapons also like batons and even stabbed a guy once. Got out of prison 3 months ago

I kicked a kid in the nuts once in the third grade after we watched ninja turtles. Same thing the teacher made me say sorry but that was the end of it

gang related? what were you in for and for how long?

I broke a guy's dad's leg with a bat. I left a note in his mailbox that he's next. Never got shit after that.

I shot a man in Reno just to watch him die.

Ahh the good ol’ Picasso Jab: so titled because it moves your mouth and nose to one distinct side of your face.

I beat someone to death sneering at my Hello Kitty backback

I killed a nigga and got away with it

Some dude was
grinding and pushing up against me for a couple songs on the dancefloor successfully pissing me off, when i finally turned around to ask him wtf he was doing he hit me with a punch right on the nose, we hadnt talked or even knew eachother from before.
He was so drunk he didnt even try to say sorry or anything so i grabbed his neck and threw him on his friend, i am 227 pounds 6,1, he was probably 50 pounds lighter than me and 5 inches shorter so i knew i had this. When he turned back around i threw a straight right hand right on his jaw which knocked him out for a solid 20 seconds. Bouncers escorted me out while i talked to them that he attacked first and luckily i knew one of them so he just said welcome back anytime.

Me and some mates started this game in high school (13/14 years old) where 4 of us would grab a limb of one guy on the floor and throw him as high as we could. One dude was like a cat, he would always land on his feet no matter how unevenly we threw him, but we kept on trying.

Gradually the game got out of hand, and more people joined in the throwing. Some chavs joined in. This one kid Johnathan who used to bully me decided it was his turn, and we got as many fucking people as we could to throw him as high and skewed as we could. By now we'd had lots of practising throwing people awkwardly. I wanted this guy to hurt himself so badly.

And he did. Two broken forearms, one of them in 3 places. He cried so fucking hard, and I've never felt so damm good watching someone else in pain. Can still remember him walking back to the school trying (failing) to clutch his broken jelly arms and bawling his eyes out.

A lot of you guys look and dress like niggers.

weak ass tat

When I was in high school I got into a fight with a guy who'd been bullying me for years. I snapped. It was sudden. The fight was a blur but I somehow knocked the guy down then kicked him in the face, right in the cheek. His eyeball popped out of the socket.

He ended up blind in that eye and I ended up suspended for a week with no other fallout.

Ten years later and the dude is still a douche.

fake and gay

Bullies usually never change

What did they do to you?

What's with Americans and retarded gang culture? Serious question.

Are you the one i fucked up? eat shit faggot

No not gang related not really gangs in my country in the same sense as America and I served 14 months I was in for the stabbing and assaulting and officer with a razor blade. I was also on trial for some other stuff but found not guilty eventually and was liberated from the court house.
