We're making a giant nazi flag far away from the center, this one in particular

We're making a giant nazi flag far away from the center, this one in particular.
All the pixels are new pixels so they take 10 seconds each to place. Don't place on existing pixels that aren't part or in the flag or be prepared for a long cooldown.
The flag is 1000/667. Here are the links
Pick a corner and start working in one of the two directions you have. After we draw the outline we will work on the actual details.
pixelcanvas.io/@14925,14186 Top left corner
pixelcanvas.io/@15925,14186 Top right corner
pixelcanvas.io/@14925,14853 Bottom left corner
pixelcanvas.io/@15925,14853 Bottom right corner

Attached: german-ww2-nazi-5-x-3-flag-1494-pekm320x187ekm.png (320x187, 97.71K)

Other urls found in this thread:


>tfw adding gay shit and also voiding it

Attached: 9A49F75B-0812-4751-8CEE-8DAC2AE0BAEB.jpg (424x1151, 244.85K)

Based, bump


funniest thing i've ever witnessed, bump

Also don't forget to help fix the Nigger Faggot sign, it's getting torn to shreds by redditors

Love the Idea.
Check it:
>be normie
>start wandering away from the safe space that is the center
>sees the most horrid things imaginable: hardcore gore and nazi paraphernalia!

I'm lovin' the Idea already!

Attached: 225f11e503d32dea64b37dc8b70e3d7f--limbo-game-art-manga.jpg (236x642, 57.19K)

Attached: based.png (735x705, 56.08K)

Attached: redpilled.jpg (250x216, 14.59K)

Yeah, it got bombed by the redditors
move to new flag

Attached: nigfag.png (611x493, 11.35K)

We can probably still defend it

Attached: 2020-04-15-192039_349x269_scrot.png (349x269, 3.68K)


God there's no point in defending that
Where's the new flag?

Attached: bump.gif (350x400, 90.37K)

Move along this line not the other one

Attached: 8888888.png (667x392, 3.2K)

Literally in the title

sorry, I'm a shit tier retard

top right corner user checking in

This new base has been noted and will be destroyed once the attack on the center has been undone. Have fun now, because it'll all be gone soon!


reddit fag edited his post to include this
he is getting really pissy and is b raging right now

I'm actually amused at you faggots getting so worked up over this,lol

welcome redditor
enjoy your humble stay

Attached: external-content.duckduckgo (5).jpg (600x600, 42.49K)

How is your stay on Yas Forums treating you? and when will you be going back to /r/azinidentity

I've been here for years actually.

I'm Italian.

cya moralfag

Attached: 1503510910462.jpg (396x382, 40.92K)

>Actually i've been here for years
>I'm not asian I'm african

so you basically look the same as a jew
also if you've been here for years then you would be based as fuck and not a limp dick redditor

Guys we need to bot it, like the user from the previous thread said with the pic of hitler,
we are placing it at -x -200 -y -262

to do this you need to
download the PixelCanvas bot from Rogerino
unzip (duh)
paste the image into the folder with 'main.py'
locate 'fingerprint by:

go pixelcanvas.io
press F12
open network tab
in filter input paste 'pixel'
put yours pixel any coordinates
click request name pixel
open headers tab
your fingerprint is under Request Playload

(a helping image is found on the github page)

Navigate to the Directory with the Bot with cmd (cd * Pixelcanvasbot)
run the command main.py -i Hittl.png -f ${enter fingerprint}$ -x -200 -y -262

i am posting this in every pixelcanvas thread

Attached: Hittl.png (400x525, 94.03K)

go back to jewdit you faggot nigger

>you would be based as fuck and not a limp dick redditor

I've simply chosen not to be a broken paranoid piece of shit like yourself lol

You aren't welcome, fag boy.


If people will continue working all the way to the end then no. But if we give up halfway we're fucked.
Which is why it's important to still defend the old base

dont do it. the fags trying to lure you from the center

just opne an other dick-girl thread and let them assemble there

where the fuck does paranoid come into play
don't throw insults unless you actually know how to use them


You look at anyone who's got a it of an obsession with jews,no matter how silly or serious,and you know they're paranoid lol

Oh no,how will I ever recover

Your continued replying indicates butthurt.

It's not nice how gay people always destroy fun.
It's like they're retarded or something.

I've been forced under a 10 minute cooldown, lads. Remember me as a valiant soldier

Attached: 1534376575893.jpg (512x384, 27.52K)


Attached: Gross.gif (500x281, 897K)

I'm honestly just really amused lol

If you're using a bot use this image

Attached: 1280px-War_Ensign_of_Germany_(1938–1945).svg.png (1280x768, 59.66K)

its just because the attention isnt on them. It would be fine if they acted like humans. but no, they have to act like faggots

who needs a bot when you can weaponize autism

We need more autists then

Got an 8 minuets cool down
fucking jews did this to me