I have an idea to start a Revolution in the US. Enter the thread for details. Perhaps you can help me

I have an idea to start a Revolution in the US. Enter the thread for details. Perhaps you can help me.

Attached: flag.png (947x499, 55.75K)

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Don't you like it the way it is? Everything is already as good as can be.

I intend to revise this, and I'd like your help. I believe if something like this was spread around on the internet and with fliers, people would take notice.

Of course we'd be ridiculed at first, but I believe that if we all stuck to the idea of only voting for officials who support a set of values, we could actually make a change.

Any wordage that I could change? Maybe change some of the tenets?

Attached: reclamation.png (609x797, 41.17K)

What if Regular People Reclaimed the Government?

If our Government is not beholden to US, what is it good for? Corporations and contributions are far more important to Congressmen, Senators, and National Leaders than our very lives. This much was already known, but it has regrettably been accepted as routine.

Join our movement and make a positive, lasting impact. Vote only for officials who vow to support the tenets of the Reclamation:

1: Take Money out of Politics.
2: Lessen the Gap Between Rich And Poor.
3: Decrease Military Spending.
4: Support Regular, Working-Class People.
5: End the War on Drugs.
6: Reject Campaign Contributions from Corporations.
7: Support a Free, Open Internet.
8: Protect The Private Information of Citizens.
9: Make Voting More Accessible. End Gerrymandering.
10: Do the Right Thing, Even When it's Hard.

To join our movement, you need not sign any binding contract. You need not pay a fee of any sort. You need not wear any special symbol. You need not swear an oath of any sort. You need not donate.

All you need to do is say that you are with us.

The Reclamation has a policy of total transparency. There are no secret meetings. Every action we plan to take shall be public knowledge. Calls to violence will be repudiated.

Spread this message on physical and digital forums.

Do not be so quick to profit off The Reclamation.

Do not be so quick to make The Reclamation a loud facet of your personal identity.

Do not be so quick to let the officials we elect forget about OUR tenets.

Do not be so quick to defend the rich.

- - - - - - - - - -

Sounds like you've already been scooped


Interesting, but what I'm proposing is not a political party. Thank you for sharing this info, I've never heard of these guys before.

I'm not really interested in starting a political party, but creating a social phenomenon. Something that everyone will hear about. I want there to be fliers everywhere, and people reposting this copypasta everywhere on the Internet.

What do you think of my tenets?

1: Take Money out of Politics.
>Vague and childish wish
2: Lessen the Gap Between Rich And Poor.
>How? Oh right...take from the producers and give to the non-producers
3: Decrease Military Spending.
>Historically suicidal move
4: Support Regular, Working-Class People.
>Support HOW? Oh right. Collectivism by forcing unions on people
5: End the War on Drugs.
>Become the next Mexico!
6: Reject Campaign Contributions from Corporations.
>By rejecting the Supreme Court decision. Sure you wanna go there? We can reject Roe V. Wade next.
7: Support a Free, Open Internet.
>Cool. Let Aunt Tilly pay the same as Netflix for internet access.
8: Protect The Private Information of Citizens.
>I agree with this one.
9: Make Voting More Accessible. End Gerrymandering.
>Yes- Demand Voter IDs to keep Russians out of our elections
10: Do the Right Thing, Even When it's Hard.
>vague, nebulous nonsense

Make voting more accessible? Are you stupid? How is it not accessible? Are you one of those idiots that thinks the Voting Rights Act is necessary, as if blacks can't afford a fucking $10 ID every four years?

As for the rest, you can tell you're young (and naive). Not all of it, but most of it.

Well, it all *sounds* good and I'm sure you'd have 99% approval from "the man on the street"

But, as they always say, the devil is in the details. And what you haven't fleshed out is HOW these things will happen. That's where you'll get strong pushback and differing opinions. So, what specific policies would you enact to make things things a reality? And how do you know that they will work as expected?

(A secondary problem is how to get these things passed from a "political system" point of view)

So, take some time, keep thinking about that and flesh out how this will go from a policy standpoint. It'll take a lot of time and research, but if you're passionate about it, it'll be interesting. Then you can run it by others and test the acceptance of your position.

It would never work. Too many Amricucks have been brainwashed into thinking that they will one-day be billionaires by going to shit public schools and being paid so little that everyone in the family needs two jobs so that they aren't on the street next year.

Thank you for the feedback. I always appreciate criticism.

It's apparent that I don't know much about politics or economics. I just want things to change. I want the US to be better and I want regular working-class people to prosper.

I intend to show this Reclamation copypasta to economics experts and ask them to criticize it and revise it. Thing is, I don't know any. Where should I start?

Start by doing your 9th grade homework and cleaning your room.

The idea is to make it accessible to people. A list of tenets, most of which are agreeable, which will hopefully make the USA better. I understand that you don't agree with most of my tenets, and that's alright, but I believe that if most of these tenets came to pass, things would be better.

The idea is to hold elected officials to these values.

Reported to the FBI. Enjoy prison

Attached: 1586931227530.png (1914x1030, 182.22K)

Your idea sounds familiar....

Attached: vladimir-lenin-712253.jpg (640x852, 137.11K)

>The idea is to hold elected officials to these values.
And have them enact laws on our behalf.

Call it whatever you'd like.

Reverse #3 and I'll think about it

I don't believe it's so radical to want the people to have control over their government. To want the poor and working class citizens to be richer and have better lives.

I believe we can find a way to make these things happen without major pitfalls. It just takes some creative thinking.

This could be like a Common Sense by Thomas Paine sort of thing. It's happened before, why can't it happen again? This time, we have a phenomenal tool called The Internet.

Hey, I never said socialism was a bad thing.....

Attached: lenin guns.png (1355x601, 672.74K)

Ah... A Democrat trying to go Confederate again.

I hesitate to call my tenets "Socialism", not least of all due to the SCARY factor of it to most Americans. Mostly because I don't know much about Socialism and its values.

So it's likely that I'm advocating for Socialism without necessarily realizing it. Nevertheless I'd like to abstain from outspokenly supporting any well-known labels: democrat, republican, socialist, democrat socialist, capitalist.

I am most concerned about accessibility and the willingness for people to support this Reclamation thing.

>Calls to violence will be repudiated.

You need to take an economics 101 class Mr President.

I'm not interested in a career in politics. I fully acknowledge that I don't know much about economics. I would just love to see people unite behind a common goal and make things better for the common citizen in the US. That's why I appreciate all the criticism.

I'm just a regular working-class guy who wants to make a change in some small way. Once these tenets are revised by more-qualified people, I'd like to print out a bunch of fliers and spam this across the Internet.

I honestly think we could make a real change here. I don't care about money or glory.

We already have a party for America that want a smaller government, freedom to choose what to do with our own money, and for small business. Go conservative.

Yeah it sounds great I the brochure but it hasn’t been true of any “conservative” administration since WWII user.

Sure, Conservatives say they support the little guy, but in practice, do you think any conservative politican would abide by these tenets? Highly unlikely. Ideal, but unlikely.

>Mostly because I don't know much about Socialism and its values.
It's never too late to learn, (second vid is actually a series on the economic factor)

I find it funny and kind of charming that when I posted this, some anons saw Socialism and some anons saw Conservatism. I like to think that we have more in common than we think.

I dare not use any such labels, lest I ostracize the "other side". Yes, it's mostly about optics. Call it petty if you like.

But I will learn more about socialsm and conservatism, and economics, as you guys have requested.