Why are people so fucking dense? Both the dems and pubs are pawns to the elite. Why don't people realize this?

Why are people so fucking dense? Both the dems and pubs are pawns to the elite. Why don't people realize this?

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Because a college education is expensive on purpose.

that's why people went for Trump so hard, they are sick to fucking death of business as usual

Trump isn't any better

I think people realize this but the big issue with taking this type of position is that it leaves you effectively nowhere.

Who do you even vote for? No-chance third-party candidates?

I'd think that the elite would actually prefer most people to take this position so they can run things more easily.

We should rise-up

Humans derived from tribes.
Tribalism has remained in our cultures.

Divide & conquer has been a time-tested method of control.

Splitting humans into polar opposing groups, keeping them busily distracted blaming & fighting each other for ills of the world, keeps them from recognizing the malfeasance & control by the elite, preventing truly popular revolution against their power.

Political Scientists have demonstrated avid pro sports fans, team followers, identify as the most partisan party followers.

Weak minds need strong leaders.

The largest shareholders of media companies of the "left" are the same largest shareholders of media of the "right".
When you control the media, you control pop-culture, and thus the mindless masses.

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Society always has degenerate types. As long as civilization stands there will always be people who sink down to the absolute low. Yas Forums is just a melting pot for degeneracy, so asking why there’s so much of it while browsing Yas Forums is quite weird. Besides, most sheep like individuals always fall into the whole political game that this world plays upon people. Whoever runs the show wants people to look at the world black and white, left vs. right, always. But that’s not life. There’s so much more to it than just that. If you’re ever feelin like shit just take a break from this site, seriously. It’s okay to come back and check what’s going on once in awhile but there’s so much sadness on this site it starts really affecting your own psyche it’s bad.

Isnt this the video where she talks about nostradamus while self-sucking?

That definitely is a legitimate position while holding this belief. In fact it's the *only* position, which in and of itself creates a problem

Most people work for a living and really don't have the time or energy to do any sort of big political action.

To start something that can grow to rival the established parties, you'd have to come up with a message and plan of action and pray that you get followers and funding behind it.

But the wrong message and people, you could languish in the remote ends of the system for decades. Look at the libertarians or the Justice party

But all you have to do for a free college Ed is play ball good.

That honestly doesn't matter. Just the fact that he got elected caused a massive stir up in politics and media.

>she talks about nostradamus while self-sucking?
>she, self-sucking
and yes, it's the video where he's talking about it with his mother if I remember correctly. Was quite funny

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Oh lawdy lawdy. He don called that tranny a she. Jebus gonna kill us all now.
kek, fucking tard.

Right OP, time to bust this *wide* open, publicly out an elete today, now

Jeff Bezos


>thinking something with a cock can be anything else than male
you're not the sharpest toll in the shade uh?

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It was planned and he's part of it. The oligarchs now. Have more control than they did 5 years ago

Yes, everyone over 14vrealizes this. Unfortunately they’ve allowed themselves to rewrite all the laws concerning our elections and structure of governance in such a way that leaves us no other choices to vote for. It is a 2 party state that wishes to be 1 party. If you do not like it, there are plenty of other countries for you to live in, but this one is all about absolute power, you cannot change it, and it will imprison or kill you if you try. Gotta just live your life in a place more accommodating op, and let shitty old empires collapse under their own bad ideas.

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Oh, look.
A right-nigger acting like a nigger in a thread about how much of a nigger your kind is

this tranny gets interupted by his mom in this video and continues to fap mid conversation kek.

>giving a shit about what others call anything when it's got nothing to do with you.
Look at the big brain on user. You're just as bad as the trannys.

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What’s the video?

>mom! I called him a nigger 3 times! I really showed him!
Trying to redefine reality to fit your view won't magically change it
cope more

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>Everyone that makes fun of me is a jew!!
Holy shit you're autistic.

Now go away

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It's on efukt somewhere

I actually do, because that's how people make their degenerate viewpoint as the norm : they change titles, name, appellation, until it fits what they want.
A tranny isn't a she. It's a tranny.
If you're a man and you are attracted to it and/or had any sexual intercourse with it, you're homosexual.
Nothing wrong with that tho. But saying things like "she" is the first step to accept the tranny as a woman, so you can differenciate yourself from the gay community.
These people are so dishonest with themselves they want the world to lie with them.
That's how pityful they are.

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This is a great example of why autistics shouldn't spend so much time of the chans.

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see, you could take the opportunity of answering me to actually make your point about why my viewpoint is wrong, and therefore, correct my behavior/train of thought, so I will come to your side.
But your prefered to go with a one-liner attached with a picture.
You're only proving that your viewpoint is void of logic. But you're too vapid to even comprehend that.
Not gonna loose anymore time with you.


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