I used to love this site because it was truly random and unpredictable...

I used to love this site because it was truly random and unpredictable, you could find somebody's life story next to a picture of tubgirl.
Nowit's fucking overrun with "ironic" right-wing totalitarians,racists and assholes of a similar kind.
What the fuck happened? why is this site such a fucking unusable cesspool now?

Attached: 92848441_650996419014999_727599341484638208_n.jpg (806x960, 44.42K)

Go browse a board that is not Yas Forums or Yas Forums

Yas Forums is one of the worst places on the easily accessible internet. I don't mean in terms of graphic shit. I mean in the diversity of content.
If I wanted good thought-provoking content I would go somewhere else.
I am here because I feel like being an asshole and giving in to my id. I want to swear for no fucking reason and call people faggots and niggers even though I am not homophobic or racist. I just want to be the biggest ass that I can imagine because I am tired my being myself.

Yas Forums got invaded by Yas Forums, that's what happened. Now it's all race-baiting and porn.


>Nowit's fucking overrun with "ironic" right-wing totalitarians,racists and assholes of a similar kind.
I thought you were going to point out how much fucking porn there is now and barely original content but instead I'm disappoint

the porn was always there
and the lack of orginal content,well...

Op can i ask you something.

Pornhub thunbnails play short videos when you hover over them right? But now it just shows previews with flashes of pics. How can i fix this back? Im using android btw.

There is the same amount of porn as before but so much less of everything else. This board is a trickle where there used to be whitewater rapids. The porn is the only thing remaining.

Because the 2016 election brought political newfags here.

Try holding down the image as if you're saving it. Should work.

>What the fuck happened?
Instead of using Yas Forums as a creative outlet to express their struggles, we now have a whole generation of gamergate incel MGTOW alt-right Yas Forumstards who just decided that they're perfect and it's easier to blame everyone else for their issues.

I believe these anons are correct

listen,me and them are going to the bath
later on I will give you equipment back,probably
for now give me 100$ to

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Yas Forums was never good

When did Yas Forums become absolutely full of spineless, reddit-tier, homo-loving simps and lobotomites?

OP is a megafaggot.
>implying Yas Forums was good
When was it good, fag? Child porn? When trannies actually cut their balls off with time stamps, instead of just porn? Streaming suicides?
>mentally ill NPC complaint about mentally ill npcs

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This right here. Yas Forums was always a shithole full of degenerates and fucked up faggots. Sometimes actual murderers posted their victims here. At least it was funny and original, now you have this

want to know how I know you're a newfag?

>Thinking using the bad words makes you an old fag

Ok tween

So retarded you can't even b8 properly.
This is Yas Forums nowadays, kids that found out about the "internet hate-machine" on reddit or youtube.

Kill yourself "alt-right" faggot.

it was good when it had variety and your bullshit complaining and conspiracy theories didn't shit up the entire board,kill yourself.

“Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.” -Descartes.

Yeah, shit's easy to bait "ironic" hard righties now. Just make a thread about how they handle a black guitarist being the world's best and watch the fireworks.

Keep posting gay spider.

Attached: 23b4at63ppl41.png (2243x3506, 997.57K)

>why is this site such a fucking unusable cesspool now?
Because eventually trolling becomes tiring for all but the most dedicated trolls and so anyone with anything not value to contribute just fucks off to other sites where they can post something worthwhile without being called a faggot, told to kill yourself, and then spammed with gore

Also, this is what happened.

Shut up, faggot.
Kill yourself.

Attached: al-gore1.jpg (400x311, 15.26K)

>Go browse a board that is not Yas Forums or Yas Forums
All boards are suffering the same shit. Probably because those 2 boards you mentioned are shitting up the entire site


This, also checkd

Trips of truth checkd

Could you hook a nigga up with the sauce?

the tragic irony is that I'm not a one of these retarded ass American living meme "SJW" types. most people aren't.
I respect people on the right,it's just that these "Yas Forums" types are some of the absolute fucking biggest imbeciles I've ever seen.