How does it feel knowing I can kick your ass?

How does it feel knowing I can kick your ass?

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dont look down on me

>genetic defective hairlet mutant

egg boi trying to seem hardcore

More hardcore than you, user faggot

Your a gay weirdo

Your dubs have you away, faggot kys

Whatever makes you feel like a real man.

I respect intelligence and dignity over brute force.


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In what, foosball? Let's see how tough you are with the no-spin rule.

I'm gonna fuck you up with my goalie.

Yea I'll fight ya.


What exactly makes you say that?

You play a girls sport

You’ll try and you’ll lose, faggot

I'll still do it. Let's go.

Bruh. Foosball is the most manly sport in the time-space continuum. There's no quicker way to determine what a person's really made of.

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how does it feel to be going bald young?

ill bust a cap in you then nut on your corpse gayboi

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Oh u mean my high test?

as someone who is balding at 19 fuck you man, we ain't got no control over it...its genetic and some chicks dig the bald look

Sure, baldie.

I'm going bald too, I'm just fucking around. I've been over it for a long time.

take it easy dickhead no need to get defensive over some randos over the internet, go ask a your mum to rub your egg looking head

Id be careful guys, hes a hard boiled badass

fuck you reporting fags

Everyone is a tough guy until they have a pistol in their face. What are you 12.

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sup with your eyebrow hair?

This is the 8th version or so of this thread today and so many still respond.


Reminds me of some guy saying that to me one time as I walked by. I could wreck him I know BJJ.

not all of us are on here all fucking day, loser

Man he's just trolling, so many men get bald. Just shave and go with it.