What would you do if you found out your girlfriend used to do "artistic" porn photoshoot in the past?

What would you do if you found out your girlfriend used to do "artistic" porn photoshoot in the past?
Honestly I feel like shit

Attached: tumblr_pgnl2tw2Sl1qfs418_1280.jpg (720x720, 145.76K)

publicly say that you are fine with it

Attached: idubbbz.jpg (1600x900, 124.32K)

Oh I forgot about this faggot


Op can i ask you something.

Pornhub thunbnails play short videos when you hover over them right? But now it just shows previews with flashes of pics. How can i fix this back? Im using android btw.

clear cache



I dont see it

Attached: Screenshot_20200416_022542_com.android.chrome.jpg (720x1560, 93.02K)

Uh uh user, another dude saw the sacred flesh of your personal incubator? How will you be able to have sex now without thinking of the hundreds of cocks that have been jerked to her meat bags?

shut the fuck up, stop posting this everywhere, this isn't tech support you fucking grandpa. if you can't fix this on your own you don't deserve to use a computer, let alone use one to look at porn

Im on android, not on a pc. Kys if you cant help


There's the problem.

I'd be fine with it if she mentioned it before we started dating or shortly after. If she only revealed it much later, I'd feel weird and would wonder why she was hiding it, but depending on the exact situation we'd probably work it out and it'd probably end up ok

What do you mean


Inferior platform, full of bugs. It's why they are cheaper than an Iphone.

click the garbage can shaped blue icon to the right side of ''stored data''

You know he is more than likely just posting it to get a rise out of idiots, right user?

you don't deserve to use a computer or a phone, retard. they're clearly too advanced for you. go to best buy and ask geek squad to help you instead of using Yas Forums as basic tech support. obviously i and we can help, but we won't, because you don't deserve to be spoonfed

nah i think he's legitimately that retarded instead of just pretending to be

Nah, im literally fustrated why insted of seing short videos as previews i get flashes of pictures

Who hurt you boy


What kind and what were the circumstances? For instance, I'd probably be a lot more ok with solo nudes/masterbation session that she did while hard up for cash, and much less ok with a hardcore photoshoot she did with a black guy she met that day for fun

>But we won't.

Meanwhile, around 3 people already have.

Attached: giphy (5).gif (500x345, 748.39K)

Nope. Still images. Last time i was on ph when i hover at vids they play like little scenes of the video. Now just still images. What the fuck

>nudes/masterbation session that she did while hard up for cash
It was just this and "artistic expression" (through porn sites)

Not really but you seem to have low standards so that actually makes sense.

And at least im helping bumping this thread. What the fuck happen to you kids


It's just a job, so long as she doesn't have any STD's then it really takes a certain type of person to make a big deal about it and that type of person is an incel or a christian.

post the autistic porn faggot

deal with it? many saw but not many touched, you're one of the lucky ones.

so what if she fucked a bunch of guys before him? she's tainted and lost her value?

I would probably be ok with it, especially if this is in the first year of dating/before any real commitments. I would say something that would make me question if I wanted to be in a relationship is if she didn't want to share the videos, partially to verify it was just low key stuff, and partially because I feel like a girl that likes me needs to be more open to me than anyone else

>women lose their value by having sex
Ok, incel

yes, i do think a girl who fucks a lot outside of relationships has less values.
but it's more about morale and circumstances than number.

"In the past"
Either you accept it and move on, because it had nothing to do with you or break up because of your insecure ass.