user, when did you realise that university is a scam and most degrees are useless?
User, when did you realise that university is a scam and most degrees are useless?
>go to tech school for pc/networking for a year
>get a job
>get certs
>get gov clearances
>get job to pay for online degree in cyber security
>make over $100,000/year before 30
stop making this thread every day bro
Dude. I'm already 35. But I will consider tech school.
Got mine at a respectable University using the Post 911 GI Bill. Making 70k out of school using my Mechanical Engineering degree. Unless you're getting in to STEM or healthcare (and apparently HR), then you're wasting your time and money.
It's never too late to return to school and get some sort of a higher education.
Did they teach you anything about establishing security protocols for when Quantum Computing is released?
Did Structural engineering and now work as a structural engineer so never
>Unless you're getting in to STEM or healthcare (and apparently HR), then you're wasting your time and money
STEM is a shitty meme. Only CS, engineering and maths with focus on statistics and / or ML are really worth it
I do have a PhD. It's just in a useless subject.
Found the retard who cant science. Chemistry master race checking in
My PhD is in molecular biology. Mostly worked on cancer genomics.
What causes cancer, user?
Is eating organic food/not consuming artificial flavors or chemicals best ways to prevent cancer?
when will that be released?
Working in healthcare sucks, but it pays well.
Human Relations people get paid to stop their companies from getting sued. It's bullshit, but nearly every company has a small team working in HR to fuck around and protect their corrupt ass company.
Agree with Computer Science. As people get bitchier (and China gets more fucked), the need for automation is growing every year to produce the shit we want. People programming those robots (and setting up security systems so they don't become Terminators) is important.
Fail to see how STEM, which encompasses nearly all of that, is considered just a shitty meme.
>user, when did you realise that university is a scam and most degrees are useless?
Good question user. I realized my degrees are a scam when I woke up with a 160k salary in a genuinely interesting job and a hot rich girlfriend
>Is eating organic food/not consuming artificial flavors or chemicals best ways to prevent cancer?
Absolutely not. There is little definitive evidence that organic food is healthier than non-organic food. Same is true for artificial flavours and other additives.
When it comes to diet and cancer, there is however good evidence that metabolic syndrome and obesity are drivers of tumorigensis because of global chronically inflammatory environment they produce. Since people who eat clean and are conscious about their diet usually don't stuff themselves with Cheetos all day and are thus less fat, there is a benefit to that lifestyle. But it is not because of the additives.
No idea. I'm going to guess within 10 years? It has twice the instant computing power as we currently have (due to bs quantum mechanics magic), but can overall compute way more than that.
It's believed no security system available now will be able to handle a quantum computer's ability to hack it once it comes out, and so everyone will have to simultaneously get a quantum computer just to be more or less secure.
I know Google and some other company are independently building quantum computers. Not sure how far they've come, but they're convinced it'll work.
user, in a meme thread none the less, I legitimately thank you for this info. I'm sure the info was out there already, but hearing it from some random bloke I don't know somehow makes it seem more legit. Genuine thanks.
Any good reading material on preventing cancer that's reliable?
Healthcare including medical degrees are usually not considered STEM and are instead in their own category. The only other example you gave falls under CS and/or ML. But most STEM degrees are awarded in the life sciences which have shit earning prospects. Likewise, chemistry and physics degrees are less valuable than e.g. CS. So it's primarily TE(M) instead of STEM which is useful.
What about law? I'm planning on getting my juris doctor and stuff so after being a lawyer for several years I can become a judge. It's a job that will always be needed and seems to make good money
I realized the University was a scam shortly after attending my first class.
Most degrees are useless but science and engineering are not.
The funny thing is a Business degree will get you a better income out the gate than a science degree. And will make you more money later on.
The catch is networking. Remember the cool kids in High School. It's just like that in the business world.
You have to be in the click or it's an uphill climb.
Econ grad here.
In a top insurer underwriting at the moment and prior to the lock down, life was chill and boozy.
What are you doing? What is your degree in?
The most complete and comprehensive overview over the cancer field is still Bob Weinberg's "Biology of Cancer".
bachelors computer science degree on a well established electronic engineering public university
7 years of hardcore stress, little to no fun or going out, no money and legit hard times
landed an average programming job
Learned A LOT, but i think i couldve learned all that or more in 3 years alone and still get this job if not better
Im lucky that education here is almost free, otherwise i wouldnt recommend. In one year working experience i learned a lot more then university.
If you PhD in molecular bio is useless then you failed. Its not the degrees fault
when I quadrupled my income after earning my degree.
I now make over 100k a year.
Those fuckers are including LIFE SCIENCE in to STEM now? Fuck no wonder the hate. Fucking hell.
>Im lucky that education here is almost free
Just stfu.
I work as a researcher in a large and highly prestigious East coast cancer center. I make 55k / yr. I have not failed professionally. But I have failed in life by becoming scientist.
When was biology and biochemistry ever not STEM? Most science done is the country is biomedical research which falls under the life sciences umbrella.
>user, when did you realise
Around the time I also realized that butthurt conservatives have an anti-education agenda and are doing whatever they can to keep people dumb and misinformed.
You know, like telling people that education isn't worth it.
>just stfu
why? if i were 60k in debt after finishing college i would never even consider it, you need to be insane to get into that rabbithole.. remains of past socialism are the only good thing in my broken up trash country and i took advantage of it
This. Would not have gone had my already high paying tech job not paid for it anyway.
Why is your pay such shit? I dont think you messed up. I think you chose a poor employer.
I have a professional qualification in nursing and am a registered Mental health nurse. Been doing it for twelve years and making good money. My first try at university was bullshit though and it took me ten years to even think about nursing.
Oh it’s this faggot. Sorry I stepped on your tin foil hat while I was at your moms house.
>In one year working experience i learned a lot more then university.
I'm a computer programmer, and this is bullshit.
Sure, it might be fine if you're just going to be a Python/PHP code monkey, but serious programmers use the theory taught in advanced university classes regularly.
OP here. Read the thread. I have a fucking PhD. If I listed to the Republicans, I would have learned and trade and would outearn my current self.
>60k in debt after finishing college i would never even consider it, you need to be insane to get into that rabbithole
>I will never own a house because debt scares me shitless
Your failure =/= the system failed
Maybe in academia or some place that has heavy research. Not in the real world.