come and fix the niggerfaggot sign, reddit fags destorying our works
Come and fix the niggerfaggot sign, reddit fags destorying our works
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op bumping
Don't worry we got this Yas Forumsros
This operation has lasted a good while so far.
i'm pretty happy now that the circle is symmetrical agian
They spread my SS-Flag :]
>implying we're not socially awkward
We need to draw swastikas on any instance of anarchist or communist imagery
dhe gommunists will nod win :DDDD
Bots are removing pixels bros
found the enemy center of operations
Help Capture the flag
Expand german occupation to the center
The faggots are attacking from right and left
Keep the bastards seething,the forces of 4chins will not let up
Absolute betas
i love how i fell asleep to clown marx and woke up to this masterpiece, reminds me of last years art. keep up the good work boys.
They are flipping on reddit.
There is no protection against weaponized autism
downvote if you have an account
Im going to clear some white space near the top of the flag for more swastikas.Any help is appreciated
Should I bring some /nsg/ posters from pol
Hey guys reddit here
My people have been notified and we wont allow your retard bullshit on here, please keep your cheetos stained hands out of our website, thanks.
Yes we need every autist
Alright ill bring them over
keep up the fight on the text especially, not hard to screw it up with one pixel
we need to take out the gay hammer and sickle
on it
Oh, is someone getting triggered?