You have laughed at us but your time will come

You have laughed at us but your time will come.

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I am tolerant of literally everyone but furries. fuck off forever

Get out of here with this gay shit.
Burn in hell fur fags

Holy shit furries are worthless.

Nice art stealing, cunt


Furries are the scum of the world, even more worthless than niggers

furries rise up!

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Moar furries pls

Hazbin is a great show

I’m a furry, and yet I’m laughing my ass off to this. “We don’t forgive, we don’t forget”? What kind of horseshit is this? It’s not 2003 anymore, and come up with your own damn catchphrase.

imagine being such a bigot

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>I'm sick in the head, and I love to watch animals fuck.
>dont be a bigot

>kind hearts
>doesn't forgive people laughing at them

Pick one

Isnt the furry community one of the most toxic ones that exist in this world?


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> and I love to watch animals fuck

TONS of conservatives watch nature shows... and let their kids watch too.

Come to think of it, that explains a lot.

I'm not afraid to make this like Waco

I am a casual Yas Forums lurker this days, watching all of this with -as I hope- a healthy amount of perspective. So if You would not mind, I would kindly ask You to please clarify:

Time of perverts jerking off to anthropomorfic animals and fucking dressing up as such will come?

>We don’t forgive, we don’t forget
Holy horseshit really is summer isn't it?

One day zoophilia will be legal user, we just have to wait

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Human males simply can't compete with male dragons. One day, all you humans will discover that your women have been HOARDED!

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No it won't, animal fucker. Stop kidding yourself.

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We'll see, let the future talk

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furries make me feel sicker to my stomach than nigger dicks and gore


they need a containment board...

Some degenerate fur-fag.


Tumlr trash

Increase in furry threads
Increase in feral threads

Y'all need to be fucking gassed, you subhuman cretins.