Name a better album

Name a better album

>pro tip you can’t

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>the clash


The Clash are easily the most overrated of the early punk bands.

I can't. It's a masterpiece

>thinking this album is punk
>seemingly hasn't listened to this album
>thinks he sounds good by using the word overrated
>95% chance he's a cunt

Agreed. Respek

Gravitational Hyperdildo

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You're welcome.

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The fucking Clash? I've got hundreds of far superior albums. They don't even register on the scale as a decent band. No offense and to each their own and all that. But it's not really quality music dude.

Look up Pain of Salvation "Fandango" for some interesting and deep stuff. Or their album Remedy Lane.

Good lord, what a smug, insufferable cunt you must be.

Abbey Road. It’s my deserted island album

Yes yes yes

I can name a MILLION better albums than this piece of shit, and threads like this belong on Yas Forums, NOT Yas Forums!

The hives Black and white album

ah, yes
I remember being 15

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Go round up all those porn threads then faggot

go back to your tribute threads faggot

Wow. That's almost word for word what I would have replied to that post. He's an obvious fart sniffing, beard twizzler.

didn't say the album was punk, just making an observation about the band. I'd rather listen to Never Mind The Bollocks on repeat until AIDS claims my life than listen to the multitude of later shit albums the Clash put out (this was the last listenable one they did, about 50% of it anyway)

You're entirely right about the cunt thing though

Fuck off out of here then, go and tug your pecker to cuck stories, you sad little cunt

Punk was a movement started by the jews (self-admittedly)
Punks were scrawny edgelords who thought they were intimidating my using curse words on the streets, while being useless members of society. So anti-conformists, that they conformed to the cringey edgelord style they created.

And yet, you didn't name a single one.
I don't even care for the Clash too much, but go off and be pretentious because you're trying to look cool on an anonymous image board.

I would recommend Fun House by the Stooges. Similar genre and better IMO.

In order to be anti-conformists they all had to look and act exactly the same

no one cares. you're trying to recruit for your beliefs on a board full of trap porn and niggerdicks. have you considered suicide?

Conformity is the truest form of anti-conformity.
Everyone who is anti-conformist wants to be "unique" so they're all conforming with trying to be different. But a true anti-conformist makes themselves the same as everyone because they're not conforming to anti-conformist trends.

Do you know the meaning of the word random?

Great album OP.

Virgin non-conformity vs chad conformity

Low class, bad taste and a pussy bitch to boot. Enjoy your talentless existence. amazing bitchanon. You have something in common with lowclass user. Good for you. You can listen to talentless hacks play 2 power chords with shitty vocals over them together while you jack off to tranny porn.

pet sounds
the stone roses
highway 61 revisited
exile on main street
hatful of hollow
purple rain

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this guy knows

the beatles are the one direction of their era. they were a shit pop band who made teen girls scream. completely overrated. the kinks were the same era and shit all over the beatles.

>the stone roses

>i own a powdered wig, this is how cultured i am



>The Kinks
This guy gets it.

You quoted some pretentious and pompous load of quasi prog rock shitweasels to make yourself seem special, they're just a flabby load of tangential shit. I suppose that it's perfect that a twat like you would be tied to that bunch of donkeys

> I live in a trash heap and don't understand anything that doesn't comform to my low standards.

you should probably only be listening to classical, music made before society became so degenerate

Eat a fat tranny dick low class plebe. Your mind is a trash dump faggot

You should definitely remain down there wallowing in the filth and mud bitchpig.


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Any tool album

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how many monocles do you own?


You're basically a massive vaginal fart. You're the human personification of a queef, you probably started to like them because some off-beat music magazine told you so. I expect you listen to them and think you're some sort of abstract person and the smug rises and builds to the level of their shitty, obvious crescendos. You are dogshit. You are a wasteman

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Uhmm... just listened to the band you posted...
Uhmm..its .. different.

This isn't going to get any love here. These 14yr olds haven't evolved past garage band days yet.

why would you throw away ten perfectly good monocles? are you so patrician that you only use each one once?

Love you too bitchpig. That had to be the most complex paragraph you've ever eeked out. Proud of you.

Celebrity mansions by dinosaur pile up

Duuude, you are terrible at this. Haha.