"hey boy, get over here and rub lotion on my royal rear, hurry up!"

>"hey boy, get over here and rub lotion on my royal rear, hurry up!"
>wat do?

Attached: 1586876366120.jpg (750x792, 252.03K)

Other urls found in this thread:


rub it tongue it lick it suck it

Get his lipstick smeared and his mascara running

Attached: IMG_001.jpg (641x805, 81.73K)


Im not gay, but holy fuck moar

Discharge a firearm in it's stupid faggot face.

exactly what he says, maybe move up to his waist and press my crotch into those buns.

just admit it, you like boy ass. no shame in it. its current year bro

Samefag much.

smuggle in coconuts and cpman's flamer

You're fucking gay man.


Attached: DaddysDoll.jpg (1066x1600, 312.58K)

uh, I think its a girl, no?

Way too masculine for me, no thanks

You made the thread gay

ask if I'm allowed to use my face


Yea you ruined the thread

Who is that?

it used to be casual gay and now its just full-on gay :(

Attached: too gay for me.jpg (638x638, 69.39K)

i dunno why this dude doesn't just go full tranny and be done with it

I mean if I got offered yeah I'd fuck that ass.

Cute feets

fuck him senseless

I want to fuck him so much he'll get pregnant

Ask if I could rub that lotion in with my cock.

> him
> pregnant

Attached: logic.jpg (325x396, 25.2K)

>not fucking your boy like you try to get him pregnant

Attached: Vampire_1bb782_652319.jpg (550x552, 58.12K)

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>beat the shit out of him

roundhouse that shit eating faggot square in the face

Attached: CULoIpDUEAE7uc3.jpg (425x585, 23.11K)

spank dat ass
